I actually had a friday night off this week and since I owed Jerome a massage we scheduled it for friday.
He arrived with a long stemed red rose ! call me romantic but there is something irresistible about a smiling black man giving you a red rose......hmmmm..... Right, im back.
it was my turn to massage him and my technique is way different to his. His style is more seductive, more relaxing. My style is more brutal and precise.
And of course at the end of his massage it turned into cuddles and caresses and kisses and gentle , mind blowing sex.
It is so funny how Jerome doesnt shag like a black man, more finesse, more foreplay, much more seduction, however still much more voluptous and creative than a white man, he doesnt pound away but he doesnt circle around either, its more like he ......explores my body, like he wont leave any territory undiscovered by his.
At last something different, so much more stimulating than my algerian shagbuddy who always does and says the same stuff till i get bored with him and ignore his calls for a while.
I like that new guy, the hooker, the masseur, he wanted to see me again the next day but i declined cause i wanted to go see Sex and the city 2, fabulous by the way, Also , too much of a good thing is a little too much.
Lets see if it stays exciting.......
That guy sure loves to touch, he just couldnt stop touching me long after we were done and engaged into normal conversation. I mentioned he could stop now but he kept on, if he wasnt touching me, he was streching his arms or making big gestures to talk, i wondered if he had swallowed a box of duracell batteries before coming here.
As i introduced him to my cat , she first roared at him, but she allowed him to pet her head.
He started to tell me all about his life, all about it before I could stop him. Some women pester men to tell them about their life but it would never occur to me to do that, specially not with someone im shagging. AND I am not telling guys my life story either, u see this is another reason i dont do marriage and relationships anymore, the lack of privacy is unbearable for me, I want my secrets, i want my memories, I want to do what i want and whom i want when i want to, i want my privacy !
Is is really too much to ask ?
So when guys do this, telling their lives, probably lying about it too, i listen quietly and dont ask questions, none.
Because i dont want them to question me , why, how, since when ? and and and.
He left after 2 hours, I slept like a baby with my cat lovingly purring cheek to cheek with me. nice !
Ladies of all age. Take the power back from men ! Follow my wonderful funny adventurous sex dates and learn............ Do not judge too harshly, I gave up on love after 2 heartbreaks and decided to live like a man. This might not work for everyone.... sure works for me! Im not saying we must all act like me, Im saying : it can be done and it is quite enpowering ! Because: Im the boss of my sexlife.
This title and texts are protected by law
This title and those texts are protected by law.
I am the boss of my sexlife, the Book has arrived !
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Sunday, 30 May 2010
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Might get a new shag buddy !!!!!!!!
On wednesday my usual shag buddy came although i said i wanted something quick and easy cause i had a lot of work on. And again he wasnt listening and i almost lost my temper. I explained 20 million times why i dont want to go to his house and why staying overnite is out of the question.....yet he asked me to spend the night in his house again !!!! Is the dude mentally challenged ? he just stupidly answered that he thought he might try to ask again. Man l hate this!
Either he is too stupid to get what im saying or he thinks he can change my mind or even worse...... that ill get tired of his constant pestering and give in ?
Hell no ! not on my watch !
The bloke is brilliant in bed but so are many others and this does not give him the right to sway off my decisions like that.
And he tried to bruise my legs and love bite my neck when he knows i hate that, to show a potential other lover that he's been there ? pfffff how childish.
He tried to put me into stupid acrobatic positions when he knows i hate that too, when i complained he said he likes to change, i suggested he changes his woman and that he heard ! more discussions, more arguements, more waste of time and energie.
Im thinking of telling him to get lost, i did several times but he always comes back for more, and he is so dumb that he never learns and always makes the same mistakes over and over again!
What do u think ? shall we show that one the red card ?
Either he is too stupid to get what im saying or he thinks he can change my mind or even worse...... that ill get tired of his constant pestering and give in ?
Hell no ! not on my watch !
The bloke is brilliant in bed but so are many others and this does not give him the right to sway off my decisions like that.
And he tried to bruise my legs and love bite my neck when he knows i hate that, to show a potential other lover that he's been there ? pfffff how childish.
He tried to put me into stupid acrobatic positions when he knows i hate that too, when i complained he said he likes to change, i suggested he changes his woman and that he heard ! more discussions, more arguements, more waste of time and energie.
Im thinking of telling him to get lost, i did several times but he always comes back for more, and he is so dumb that he never learns and always makes the same mistakes over and over again!
What do u think ? shall we show that one the red card ?
Monday, 24 May 2010
no sex for 3 weeks
I love sex, im like Samantha from sex and the city minus the money and the cocktails. However l sometimes dont feel like it and prior to my tantra guy from saturday l had even turned down sex twice and remained sexfree for 3 weeks.
The thing is, having sex is my free choice, therefore not having sex or when to have it , is my choice too. I am soooo bored with the same guys hitting on me again and again, crasy Djamel keeps calling even when i dont pick up, then it is Djawad, then it is Dylan and his stupic clumsy innunendos that dont even turn me on anymore, worse even guys who dont stand a single chance and think im not understanding what they want. Grrrr.
Are they all ganging up to annoy me or could it be that i slept with the whole town and there is nothing new to discover ?
All i know is im bored with the same blokes , i would like something NEW ! something exciting, is it really too much to ask ?
there is only one man on the planet for whom l would make an exception and thats not gonna happen because he is blocked in a situation and after 15 years we are still not ready to make idle talk with each other.
Dont bother looking for him in my gallery, he is not here, I dont play around with the men l actually love. So you wont find him or my ex husbands here.
Anyway, having sex should be a moment of relaxation at the worse, and of magic at the best. Therefore l prefer no sex than having bad sex or boring sex.
Everywomen should share their bodies with people they want at the time they want them because to have sex against your will is pretty ugly. Giving sex just out of pity is pathetic and giving sex out of pressure or emotional blackmail is humiliating and guess what it never works.
So next time a guy implies that if you dont sleep with him he will break up with you or go seek it elsewhere........you might as well tell him to fxxx himself because a guy who talks to you like that will be doing this anyway.
The thing is, having sex is my free choice, therefore not having sex or when to have it , is my choice too. I am soooo bored with the same guys hitting on me again and again, crasy Djamel keeps calling even when i dont pick up, then it is Djawad, then it is Dylan and his stupic clumsy innunendos that dont even turn me on anymore, worse even guys who dont stand a single chance and think im not understanding what they want. Grrrr.
Are they all ganging up to annoy me or could it be that i slept with the whole town and there is nothing new to discover ?
All i know is im bored with the same blokes , i would like something NEW ! something exciting, is it really too much to ask ?
there is only one man on the planet for whom l would make an exception and thats not gonna happen because he is blocked in a situation and after 15 years we are still not ready to make idle talk with each other.
Dont bother looking for him in my gallery, he is not here, I dont play around with the men l actually love. So you wont find him or my ex husbands here.
Anyway, having sex should be a moment of relaxation at the worse, and of magic at the best. Therefore l prefer no sex than having bad sex or boring sex.
Everywomen should share their bodies with people they want at the time they want them because to have sex against your will is pretty ugly. Giving sex just out of pity is pathetic and giving sex out of pressure or emotional blackmail is humiliating and guess what it never works.
So next time a guy implies that if you dont sleep with him he will break up with you or go seek it elsewhere........you might as well tell him to fxxx himself because a guy who talks to you like that will be doing this anyway.
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Jerome !!!!!
Jerome, a really cute, smily senegalese Tantra masseur, has always been very charming with me without beeing flirty. Or, could it be that l didnt realise that he was ?
He is attractive and smart, designs african jewlery ,married to a white girl, moslem, (yum, that means he is circumcised !). I had no idea that he had studied tantra massage in India and just opened a small business. Imagine my surprise when he gave me his card today and suggested l should come to check out his practice and we should massage each other some times.
It is a common business practice for masseurs to handle each other for free, this way you should never forget what it feels like to be massaged and also it helps us recenter.
However, it is quite difficult to find this arrangement in Switzerland because it is everyman for himself.
So i am quite tempted by Jerome's offer, physically it would be brilliant, BUT my instincts are telling me that this might end up in a great roll in the hay !!!!
I wouldnt mind as he is gorgeous, smart and funny, but l feel weird about shagging someone in the same line of work as me, someone l know socially AND im not sure if his offer includes sex, what if he only want to trade body massage and l got it wrong ? How embarrassing would it be if l lean in for a kiss and he jumps 3 feet screaming : Girl please ! are u crasy ?
I did it !!!! today between 4.30 and 6.30 pm. Yes he had been hitting on me and the whole set up was an excuse to get laid. lol.
first i wondered if he was gay because he has a beautiful black pudel called Chanel, then he showed me his place, very tastefully decorated with antique furnitures and huge golden leafed mirrors, mixed with venitian masks and egyptian artefacts. his massage room is small but quite comfy. Fountain noises, music, warm oil, feathers, etc he was chanting, he was blowing warm air on me. The massage itself was mindblowing like great sex. When he started to touch me sensously i asked him if he was hitting on me , he giggled. Since he wore nothing but a small white boxer short and was feeling me up, l started to stroke him, thats what he had been waiting for. When i was so turned on i could barely talk, he asked me cheekily if i wanted to, i whispered yeah and he obliged......
It was fabulous but way too short, i thought men who did tantra could do it much longer !
i loved that he kept kissing my neck as he was shagging but i hate that the shagging lasted only 5minutes. All that heat all that working up for that !
I let him be in charge this time because i wanted to try something new, but if i shag him again it will be on my turf and my way.
By the way i found out that he is a male prostitute, he didnt charge me but the way he behaved had hooker written all over it. Great sexual expertise, total confidance, discretely checking his phone for customers calls when he thought i wasnt watching, even the subtil way he asked me to leave and if he could see me again, had "classy hooker" written all over it. I actually heard him talk to a customer on the phone while i showered and he was quoting 200frs an hour, Im so glad he didnt charge me , since the whole thing lasted 2 hours, lol. That was the first time i did a whore, so thats what it feels like.......
Interesting..... he has already texted 3 times since saturday nite, am i ok ? did l like it ? did he do anything wrong? . Very un hookerlike. lol
Is it because i did not cling to him ? oh this is gonna be interesting if it turns to a game of who is stronger.
Update : this is now almost december, Jerome and I still see each other sometimes, there is no mind games going on and he is a sweet uncomplicated shagbuddy who never ask for more.
He is attractive and smart, designs african jewlery ,married to a white girl, moslem, (yum, that means he is circumcised !). I had no idea that he had studied tantra massage in India and just opened a small business. Imagine my surprise when he gave me his card today and suggested l should come to check out his practice and we should massage each other some times.
It is a common business practice for masseurs to handle each other for free, this way you should never forget what it feels like to be massaged and also it helps us recenter.
However, it is quite difficult to find this arrangement in Switzerland because it is everyman for himself.
So i am quite tempted by Jerome's offer, physically it would be brilliant, BUT my instincts are telling me that this might end up in a great roll in the hay !!!!
I wouldnt mind as he is gorgeous, smart and funny, but l feel weird about shagging someone in the same line of work as me, someone l know socially AND im not sure if his offer includes sex, what if he only want to trade body massage and l got it wrong ? How embarrassing would it be if l lean in for a kiss and he jumps 3 feet screaming : Girl please ! are u crasy ?
I did it !!!! today between 4.30 and 6.30 pm. Yes he had been hitting on me and the whole set up was an excuse to get laid. lol.
first i wondered if he was gay because he has a beautiful black pudel called Chanel, then he showed me his place, very tastefully decorated with antique furnitures and huge golden leafed mirrors, mixed with venitian masks and egyptian artefacts. his massage room is small but quite comfy. Fountain noises, music, warm oil, feathers, etc he was chanting, he was blowing warm air on me. The massage itself was mindblowing like great sex. When he started to touch me sensously i asked him if he was hitting on me , he giggled. Since he wore nothing but a small white boxer short and was feeling me up, l started to stroke him, thats what he had been waiting for. When i was so turned on i could barely talk, he asked me cheekily if i wanted to, i whispered yeah and he obliged......
It was fabulous but way too short, i thought men who did tantra could do it much longer !
i loved that he kept kissing my neck as he was shagging but i hate that the shagging lasted only 5minutes. All that heat all that working up for that !
I let him be in charge this time because i wanted to try something new, but if i shag him again it will be on my turf and my way.
By the way i found out that he is a male prostitute, he didnt charge me but the way he behaved had hooker written all over it. Great sexual expertise, total confidance, discretely checking his phone for customers calls when he thought i wasnt watching, even the subtil way he asked me to leave and if he could see me again, had "classy hooker" written all over it. I actually heard him talk to a customer on the phone while i showered and he was quoting 200frs an hour, Im so glad he didnt charge me , since the whole thing lasted 2 hours, lol. That was the first time i did a whore, so thats what it feels like.......
Interesting..... he has already texted 3 times since saturday nite, am i ok ? did l like it ? did he do anything wrong? . Very un hookerlike. lol
Is it because i did not cling to him ? oh this is gonna be interesting if it turns to a game of who is stronger.
Update : this is now almost december, Jerome and I still see each other sometimes, there is no mind games going on and he is a sweet uncomplicated shagbuddy who never ask for more.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Clumsy Dylan
Dylan is not my type of man at all.
He is white, short, shy, Albanian, not circumcised, 30 years old, 19 years younger than myself, nowhere near my type of man.. However he made me laugh so hard when we were both queuing up in a shop that l looked at him differently and wondered what he would be like in the throws of passion.
Next time l run into him l cheekily hit on him, he was very surprised and asked me out for coffee, l cheekily answered l dont drink coffee, how bout a shag ? He went bright red and litterally run away, then came back and asked if l meant that. I gave him my adress and we decided to meet at 5 pm.
When he turned up, late, he seemed scared, said he was married and had never cheated on his wife, which is fine because i dont want to get involved anyway.So l suggested he just drink his coffee and leave because nothing would ever happen that he wouldnt want.
Instead he felt instantly relaxed and french kissed me passionately.
For a man who had never cheated before, he sure knew what he was doing and we went quite far that evening. We parted on a french kiss, confidant that was a nice experience with no impact of any kind.
I didnt see Dylan for weeks after that because of the Xmas break and some important things going on in my life too. When l did see him again, in the shop, he was behaving very strangely, first he was sweet, saying he had worried about me not beeing around at all, awwwww.
Then he switched to a perv saying he dreamt of threesoming with me (what ?) and have i tried anal sex (yuck !) and making all sorts of weird sexual innuendos, and then he announces that his wife is 4 months pregnant so he needs to be a good boy now !(yo buddy you really hadnt notice your wife was pregnant a few weeks ago !). I must have looked disgusted because he started to apologise , saying he is not a perv and and and. Just as i relaxed he goes into dirty old man mode again ! WTF !
Either the dude has MPD or he got a taste of something he likes so much that he is like a kid locked in a candy store, wanting it all at once but Dylan cannot control his impulses. For me it is a done deal, there is no more where this came from. For him, its like a fantasy he feeds on, when he sees me he just comes over and tell me he cant stop thinking of my mouth and has to work hard to keep his mind of me ! then he takes a step back and try to be a funny guy again then he acts weird again. Could he be more unsecure ? more clumsy ?
What he does is not even sexy anyomore and i wonder if maybe l should feel insulted at some point.
In fact I decided to tell the bozo never to hit on me again unless he is prepared to go all the way, l hate teases!
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Is Cyber sex cheating ?
I used to think that if u have a partner and fooled around on the net, it doesnt count as cheating since there is no physical contact.
After having experienced it a couple of times with a friend who was stuck faraway for months, i beg to differ. Cyber sex is definitely cheating.
Why ?
Because it is real fun, real emotions, real giggles, sometimes even real pleasure (though it doesnt even compare to real sex ). So if your man or your woman is cyber shagging someone, you have every right to be angry because it is cheating, most specially when there is a webcam on !!!!!
I was introduced to the world of cyber sex by a friend I met on the net.
He asked me to get a webcam and I did it for the sake of seeing his face.
I was so impressed the first time I did see his face, he was absolutely gorgeous ! we used to mess around on our webcams all the time and I dont regret that experience but now that we are trough I never want to do this again with anyone else. This stuff is almost addictive, its worse that sitting by the phone hoping that bloke will call.
Remembering what he had made me feel entittles me
to declare that yes, cyber sex definitely is strong and pleasurable and feels sexual.
Im not a fan of this and I cant be cheated on since i dont give men the chance too, however l do feel for those this happens to.
Check my ebook

Why ?
Because it is real fun, real emotions, real giggles, sometimes even real pleasure (though it doesnt even compare to real sex ). So if your man or your woman is cyber shagging someone, you have every right to be angry because it is cheating, most specially when there is a webcam on !!!!!
I was introduced to the world of cyber sex by a friend I met on the net.
He asked me to get a webcam and I did it for the sake of seeing his face.
I was so impressed the first time I did see his face, he was absolutely gorgeous ! we used to mess around on our webcams all the time and I dont regret that experience but now that we are trough I never want to do this again with anyone else. This stuff is almost addictive, its worse that sitting by the phone hoping that bloke will call.
Remembering what he had made me feel entittles me
to declare that yes, cyber sex definitely is strong and pleasurable and feels sexual.
Im not a fan of this and I cant be cheated on since i dont give men the chance too, however l do feel for those this happens to.
Check my ebook
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