Why did I do that ? I am not in any way or never will I be involved or bonded to him at all , well maybe fluid bonded but is to do with sexual trust not commitment nor obligations.
He so gave himself to me so very completely and took me as if I were his birthday present that, although I have always enjoyed shagging him and liked him an awful lot, this time I was impressed in such a way that I have not felt any desire for anyone else but him ever since.
We were only together a couple of times this month yet..... sex with him is soooooooooooo fabulous that the oceans of pleasure he gives me are carrying me through and right now no other man but him can turn me on sexually. I feel full as if I had had a magnificent 5 course meal and everyone else was trying to tempt me with a hot dog, I am just not famished after such a world class fuck. I don't know how long I will feel like this but I am just going to enjoy it for now. Normally I would fight this off because I really don't want another Martin situation but since we are not in love and not likely to be, I can savour this delicious feeling without fearing how high the price will be. What makes sex with this very man so exceptional now ? We have been sleeping together on and off for years and it has always been fantastic but right now..... it is like he can read my thoughts when we make love and each time he is as seductive as if it were a first date. Add a lot of trust in the mix and you will only have a hint of how good Igor gives it to me and I to him.
And all this sexual bliss without the agony of love ! Yay !