I also like it on the side and I go wild when we do the rocking boat thing.
But my number one is him on top of me.
Because of watching too many porn movies and not shagging enough real people, a lot of men imagine that sex is about fitting in as many acrobatic and uncomfortable positions as fast as possible within 10 minutes, silly I know.
Im not saying we gotto do only the position I like and never experiment any other, im saying this is not a competition.
Sex is give and take, not a porn show.
I really dont like the doggy position, I hardly feel a thing, most men take advantage of this to slap my bum and I cant even see my lover's face or touch him. Of course when a lover is really nice to me and has been doing my favourite positions for a while before he asks me to turn around, then Ill be happy to oblige, considering he deserves it and I will give him his doggy style.
If he really is good , sensual, cuddly, creative, if he drives me wild with desire, if he is the kind of man that has me scream his name and want more and more of it , Specially if he whispers cheekily .....Gira ti, turn around, retourne toi.....da la vuelta mi amor.
Ladies, if your new man just grabs your head and pulls it to his dick demanding a blow job right after a kiss without even turning you on first then you know you are on to a a selfish and uncompetent time waster. Worse even if he shags you for 5 minutes and turns you around for doggy position then you definitely got a loser there and you might as well drop the idiot there and then.
Because a guy who treats you like that on a first date will never make love to you , he will just take and take without even the courtesy of giving you an orgasm or two.
The whole point of having sex is indeed to come, right ?
I remember Justin, a hot black londoner who had shagged me almost an hour before he nearly pleaded for me to give him his doggy fashion.... and I did because I came a couple of times already and thought I might as well reward him. Why do men love that position so much anyway ?
It looks like something one could do with a german shepard.
I remember Mehmet a really cute guy to whom I patiently explained why he musnt jump on me, why he should take his time with sex and never ever treat me like a rug doll changing positions so often I couldnt even come ! Twice.
I explained it to him twice, and yet he didnt get it, although he promissed not to do that again.
Because he was really hot I gave him 3 chances and the third time he had my legs around my neck then around his neck then up in the air then when put me on my knees.... I just walked out.
Was the dude not listening at all or did he just not care ?
I jumped out of his bed and asked if he had gone to stupid school or if it came to him naturally ?
C-I told you I hate it when u do acrobatics with my body ! I dont even have time to come ! what is wrong with you ?
M- But I like to change positions often .....
C- Then I suggest you change woman.
M- Whaddaya mean change woman ? I ve never had a complaint before.
C- Yeah, I bet you never kept a lover more than 5 minutes either.
M- Bitch who do you think you are ?
C- Im a woman and I deserves lovers who will give me real sex, not fake porn like im a rug doll or something !
As we were yelling at each other, I discretly got dressed and run out of the door. I actually run, in high heels, to the nearest taxi rank.
I would have avoided this embarrassment if I had listened to my instinct and dropped the S.O.B. after the first encounter. So ladies dont do what I did, if he treats your body like a sex toy and does not concern himself with your pleasure..... Dont call him back and dont take his calls ever again.
Go find yourself a real man who wants to make love and see the woman in his arms twist and turn and shake with an earth shattering orgasms.
Ha I like that. I think its all about improvisation like a jazz musician - you have to be atuned and sensitive to whats going on - one should never know whats going to happen - just sense and feel what should happen next. Strangely doggy doesn't do it for me ( despite the fact I love looking at those parts) but most girls I've met seem to love it.
One should not go through ones repetoire but sense whats needed in each particular moment. And porn movies are so bad as you see mens blow jobs taking hours (so boring to watch as well -he's getting the pleasure not me!!) meanwhile anything on the woman is usually 20 seconds at most! One needs to give plenty of time for an enjoyable visit ' descente a la cave;-)'
I know ! porn films are ridiculous, women come loudly as soon as u look at them and blow jobs are more like those mouths have no throats or teeth but really deep holes. Could it be more retarded ? Yes I agree with you that good sex is a lot to do with feeling whats right at the time beeing and spontaneity. By the way....all women loooove a good descente a la cave. yummie yummie. lol.
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