He was lovely, warm , sexy and very nice. I had such a great time but I thought something was wrong when Yassin whispered " I love you " in my ear after the first time we had sex. Not wanting to start a discussion about how unrealistic it was to pretend to love people you hardly know and sleep with once, I acted as if I hadn't heard it. He said it again and again on the second and third date, till I could no longer ignore it and diplomatically explained that he did not have to do that. I already liked him enough to sleep with him, therefore he needed not pretending to say stuff like that. It became a joke when he would giggle :
" I looooove yoooooou " and I would laugh back
" liar, liar pants on fire, lol "
That was fine.
As he realised he couldn't pull the I.L.Y. trick on me, he began asking me if I were happy. What do you say to a lover who is so hot and so cuddly ? I always batted my eyelids and answered that yes I was very happy.
Is that what made him think I might be victim material ?
Almost overnight Yassin became a jerk.
He cancelled a date, using work as an excuse. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, once, twice, three times and I asked him what the deal was, Is he married ? does he have a girlfriend ?
It is ok, I lied, just tell me if that's the case and we will work it out. (right !)
He acted all offended, was I crazy ? How could I imagine such a thing of him ? and so on. I pretended to believe him in order to keep things simple but I filed it in my mental " things I don't like about you " file, I keep on each new lover. the next day he just rang and asked if I was home, I was doing my tax returns, wearing flannels and looking awful, but I was home.
Open up, he ordered, Im downstairs.
Oh man ! there was such a mess everywhere and I looked so unsexy. Within 5 minutes I brushed my teeth, jumped in a flimsy summer dress, splashed cold water on my face and pushed all my books and forms to one side of the brown leather couch I was sipping tea on while doing paperwork. Yassin waltzed in like he owned the place and went straight to my kitchen to help himself to a cup of tea. Did I mention my kitchen was a disgrace ? I hadn't done the dishes in three days, there was fresh laundry hanging out to dry and a few dirty cups of coffee on the table. Mortified, I told him to follow me in the living room. First he was nice and romantic
I miss you, he said in between kisses.
Hmm I miss you too, I gasped.
He liked my short sun dress and was getting very amorous but I was not in the mood that day and I showed him what was on the couch, explaining that when I am into paperwork I cant be stopped , would he like to come back later or the next evening ?
He was not listening anymore and his hands had their own agenda.
I pushed him away re explaining that now was not a good time and that I was not in the mood.
He had the audacity to ask for a quickie, a privilege I only grant my shag-buddy Igor.
No, I insisted coldly, either you give me everything or I give you nothing.
Fine, he smiled cheekily as he got up and stood in front of me.
How about a blowjob ? undoing his fly.
Dude ! Are you stupid or something ? I fumed. If I say no to sex, that means no to a blow job too, Sit down ! I was disgusted.
He was all apologetic but the magic was gone.
His phone kept ringing, I suggested he picked up, he looked at the number on his screen and sighed that he was due back at work.
Gladly, I escorted him out when suddenly he slammed me against the wall and groped my lady parts almost brutally and more or less kissed me, trying to establish dominion. I really hated that. I ordered him to stop and come back when he wants a real date. He backed away from me and started opening the front door when something strange happened.
He motioned with his arm for me to move away from the door and step behind him ?!?!?!?!?!
I didn't bulge and asked what on earth he was doing.
Do you want your neighbours to see you dressed like that ?
I always look decent whenever I get out of the door but right now I was in my hall, in a short summer dress and I can wear whatever I like inside, cant I ?
But you said you like that dress ! I asked innocently
Yes, I like it for me, at home, not for everyone to stare at.
Honey, I am not an Egyptian, therefor I will wear what I like, end of story.
He didn't like that very much and left.
I pondered what happened.
Yassin had shown a different face today, was he pretending to be nice in order to make me trust him and then put his macho crap on me when I would be addicted to his affection ?
He was.
"One more thing, I thought, one more fuck up and Im chucking you out of my bed."
The last straw came two days later when he woke me with a text saying he had been waiting for a call for me all day yesterday.
What !
He behaved like a jackass and he thought I had to call him ?
What kind of logic is that ?
Why did you think I would call you yesterday then ?
Because it was my birthday.
Making me feel guilty, not a good sign.
I am sorry, I had no idea, why didn't you tell me ?
I did tell you, on our first date, remember ? I guess I am not in your heart. sulking now.
Making me feel more guilty, he did tell me but who remembers this sort of things ?
I want to celebrate my birthday with you, he purred
What does he want ? a cake ? a tie ? a nice shag ?
What do you want ? I questioned
I want a whole weekend with you in a romantic hotel away from Zurich, he whispered sexily.
Seriously ? You cannot even manage one night since two weeks and you would magically find a whole weekend for me , who are you kidding ? By now I was getting really annoyed.
How about tonight ? he offered.
Sure, I sighed, but promise me you will call me or text me if you cant make it. Last chance I was giving him, although I already knew he would blow it out of stupidity or machismo or both.
And just as I knew he wouldn't, he didn't come, he didn't text , he didn't call. And I decided that was it.
When I saw him on the next day I politely told him we were done and he reacted dispassionately and walked away.
It was really nice at first and I have no regrets but he soon showed his real face, seriously underestimating my self respect or overestimating his abilities.
Lets recap what happened :
Met a seemingly nice man, I pretended to be a nice girl, never said a word about who I really was, to see how he would handle me.
Within a couple of months he tried to be dominant and pushy.
I refused to be pushed around and he walked away.
So this is how nice girls get treated ? Man I sure am glad to be the boss of my sexlife if that's what nice girls endure.