When all the madness has gone and we fall down on the pillows, catching our breath and waiting for our hearts to beat normally instead of stomping noisily, either in each other's arms or side by side looking at each other smiling. I love that moment. Of course I love what leads to this moment even more, but the very moment where the two of us just lay there, marvelling at what a moment of passion we shared, still floating, not quite back on earth yet. This is the perfect cuddle time. With most , I enjoy a few cuddles and light kisses before I say thank you and get up to shower and dress up to go home. Since my last connection, I just don't stay the night and sleep over because it creates the cruel illusion of intimacy, which is a real killer when this gets taken away from you abruptly.
However.......we should never say never .....because :
This new guy I am dating is a right teddy bear. Dark, mysterious and very handsome.
I expected to just boink him, say thanks and go home when the real wonder happened afterwards. After the lovely moment I was describing earlier on, just as I was getting ready to ask if I could use the shower before I leave , he blew the candles off, pulled a blanket on top of us and wrapped his big brown body around me. I must have looked quite surprised because he asked cheekily , in between plenty shoulder kisses, if I wanted more or if I wanted to sleep now. The way he said it was so sweet, so unassuming that I thought I might stay a moment.....and I ended up actually sleeping in his arms all night ! It felt strange and unfamiliar but at the same time I was loving this warm embrace, those big brown arms holding me just tight enough to make me feel secure, long brown fingers intertwined in my little whites ones to make me feel wanted. Big strong thorax against my back, feeling so warm and protecting, Long muscular legs entangled with mine. I drifted to sleep feeling nothing could happen to me while in that teddy bear arms. I awoke around 3 am, looked around me and wondered what on earth I had been thinking !
As I tried to discretely slip out of his arms , he whispered
" Noooo , come back, I really like this "
Who cares, I thought, I am really liking this too and nobody is waiting for me at home so.... I slowly sunk back into his open arms , only to be greeted by a tender kiss.
Yeap, I thought, I really like this too.
It took me a while to fall back into sleep as this time I was taking in as much as I could. The scent of his skin, nice. His shaved head, sexy. His dark and full lips, hmm kissable. His great dark honey colour, wow. The warmth of his romantic spooning, mind blowing. By now I was on my back , his left arm under my neck and his right arm around my waist. Sleeping with him is a true delight, memories of wonderful cuddly sleep sessions with someone else rushed back to my mind before I chased them away. I really enjoyed this and will repeat the experience anytime he wants it but this time I shall be more careful and not give too much.
Morning felt so tender and gentle , waking up to oceans of small kisses and a great morning quickie. As I declined his offer to shower together, last night was intimate enough as it was, he got up to make some coffee and I notice that his apartment looked a little minimalist, extremely clean and there was hardly anything personal such as family portraits or books. His blackberry had been vibrating all night after he casually threw it on his sport bag and never gave it another thought. I was not going to ask questions to a man who makes me feel so good, specially when he too , had had the courtesy of not putting me through a third degree.
Tall, dark, handsome and mysterious. They don't make em like that anymore.
However wonderful that felt, we were done in three weeks because he thought my liking him that much meant he had some kind of power and would be in a position to be dominant. When he argued with me saying that it is like I am his cat and he is my tiger, I began to understand the magic had gone. But I have no regrets as it was lovely.
We are now in September and he is still trying to get back in my pants although I never answer his calls and always say no thanks when he comes to the centre pretending to check out new equipment
Next !
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