" Noch wach und langweilig ? ( are you still awake and bored ? )"
"U wanna see me schatz ?"
"Do U ? "
"Be here in 30 minutes"
"Ill be there in 20."
So far so good, I thought. I was actually very pleased to see Martin and looked forward to his magic kissing expertise.
Yesterday the magic had taken a night off.
As soon as he arrived he jumped on me, quite unusual for him. He was on fire and we soon were heavily making out on my couch, a bit fast for him but I thought WTF. Soon after that we were frolicking happily on my bed aaaaaaaaaaaand : guess who got wood this time ? Yes !
Did he take some viagra ? did he snort coke before he rang me ? I have no idea, but the result spoke volumes. ( no pun intended , lol )
Of course that was not Igor good or black men good ...but for Martin that was really good.
Is it because he was more sexual that his kisses were less good ? Or is it my imagination ? on the same morning I saw this beautiful video of Seal and his wife Heidie Klum and I guess I wanted to recreate this atmosphere.
Not toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
At some point in between kisses , he moaned some nonsense about being a bad man ( no ? really ? I have never met one before, lol ) and he plunged on my neck to.......bite me hard !
Man did I scream ! I really dont know why movies always show women almost in ecstasy when vampires bite them, that crap actually hurts ! All he could say in his defence was that he was a bad man.
Bitch please ! stop talking, stop biting and just do me already !
( My cat saw Martin bite me and as he kissed her forehead good bye on his way out she kept moving her little head away from his face, hahahahaha what a cool lady my cat is ! hahahahaha.)
So 3 Orgasms later he is practically sleeping.
I had a protective nurturing gesture that perhaps I shouldnt have had, he is after all only a fuckbuddie not a friend, I covered him up with a blanket.
He said he was not going to sleep here (fine by me ) because he wants to sleep in late on Sunday morning, I answered its just as well because I am getting up at 8am anyway,
It went like this :
"Are you working tomorrow then ?"
"No, I never work on Sundays,"
"So why are U getting up so early on a Sunday morning ?"
"Because I want to go to Church"
"Where ?"
"To Church"
"You are actually a believer ? a Church goer and all that ?"
"Yes I am"
"But you cant go to Church tomorrow , you have made love tonight !"
( is that what it was ? )
"And ?"
"And you made love then you shouldnt go anywhere near a Church "
"I made love ! I have not murdered or aggressed anyone did I ? besides I am not married therefore I can do as I please, no one got cheated on or betrayed here tonight !"
"You see ! you are getting angry about it "
Honestly what a plonker !
First he bites my neck and now he questions my Christianity ?
I distracted him with more kissing and he was fun again, till he warned jokingly that I need to be careful cause he could be addictive.
Say what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bitch please ! I love black men, latinos. eastern europeans, men who get wood on just a smile ( and who dont bite) ! what makes you think someone like me could possibly see more in you that an occasional good cuddle ? pfffff
Cant I be nice to a guy without him putting his nose up in the air ?
A very dear friend told me today that I tend to make my men feel good, not just their bodies but their egos too, must be an extension of my work taking care of people, lol.
I actually had teeth marks on my poor neck and the air head told me that he is not the nice guy I think he is, he is actually a bad one.
Bitch I know bad men, ok.
First they fuck much better than you do , second they dont bite !!!!!!
So he left after a millionth kiss and I was pondering the situation.
Martin acted out of character today, I really hated the biting and the comment about going to Church, and that kid is weird anyway , he helps himself to tap water when I told him there is bottled water in the fridge, I have lots of beautiful cristal glasses in my kitchen and he chose a plastic shaker ! After his shower he didnt pick one of the many fluffy white towels on my bathroom shelves, he took the smallest feet towel he could find !
Is there any normal men around ?
Ok I will give him one more chance to again be the darling he can be, if he pulls another stunt like that I shall ban him from my bed.
In the meantime I might have a couple of quiet days because I can barely sit straight today, lol. I love such reminders of a great F.... dont you ?
He actually bit you ! do guys really believe averything they see on tv ? how retarded !
I like the Seal video - very sensual. But you as you become more choosy in the end you want just a composite man - a melange of part of man x man y man z. Sounds frustrating that as your tastes evolve there's no single solution but in the end multiple frustrations that these guys don't hit every note you want to feel - and eventually that jars.
thats a really good point Charly,thank you. I never thought of it like that before.
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