In the afternoon I cooked a nice meal for my children and we had so much fun playing with our cat, eating and catching up on the gossips. Martin had tried to call me the night before so I knew I might see him that night and when he rang again I told him to come around 9pm so I'd have time to tidy up after my children left.
Martin came, saw, started to conquer..... all was well.
We were kissing and cuddling in my bed and the magic was back on !
He was gazing into my eyes and I was wondering if this day could get any better because it had been perfect so far....... Stupid me !
Why did I have to open my big mouth, even silently ????
In between kisses I opened my eyes and saw Martin cringe with pain !
I jumped 3 feet asking worriedly if I had hurt him but he admitted he had made a wrong move 5 days ago and squeezed a nerve between 2 dorsals and had been hurting like mad ever since.
Dude seriously !
What kind of an idiot goes on a date when he has a painfull back ???????
Was he that desperate to get laid ? doubtful, cause he is really cute and charming.
Is it because he really really likes me ?
Duh ! then he should have gone to a chiropractor before calling me.
This is so typical of men, they try to will the pain away thinking they will be pussies if they consult immediately.
Naturally this ruined the mood, but we sat up to watch Batman, at some point I was so focused on the movie, that I didnt realise he was trying to move awkwardly to kiss me, lol. I switched position so that we could kiss and.....boy oh boy I could feel the magic again !
Yum !
Suddenly he was too much in pain to move, I was so embarrassed I massaged his neck ever so gently with lavender oil and it helped a bit.
When he left I said jokingly that I had a schlecht gewissen ( a guilty conscience ) that he had come here tonight in spite of his predicament.
He replied Das solls du aber that means that I should indeed have a schlecht gewissen and smiled cheekily, well he is after all only 29.
Who will ever decypher the mind of men ? they are a mystery even to me.
Dude if you are in pain like this, do not go on a date with a sex queen like me, no matter how many pain killers you were on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having said that, I am mighty flattered that his desire for me was stronger that pain. ( batting my eyelids now )
Check my ebook
1 comment:
Yes his desire for you was stronger than his pain.
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