Need him ? Does'nt he mean want to shag him ?
Last night he was acting a little differently, he hadnt shaved and he jumped me straight away, so not like him.
However we were soon rolling over on my bed, kissing passionately ( ahhh the way he kisses !!!!) the magic was on again, he was cupping my head with his left hand, had his right arm around my waist , he was gazing into my eyes, whispering how beautiful this was....so schöne....It was perfect !
And I allowed myself to think this was exactly what I wanted, it cant get any better. And this magical kissing again.......the thought of it.
At some point I gave him a fabulous blow job but when he got back on top SPLASH !!!! he came too soon and I had it all over my thorax , some landed on the right side of my face ! Yuck !
He smiled that funny crooked smile of his...oops sorry ! I wiped that mess and saw his manhood go limp again. Sigh ...
He held me close to his heart, held me so tight for so long I should have known some serious back stubbing was going to happen.
He was caressing my back slowly, he was playing with my hair, he was kissing my neck, he was whispering sweet nothings in my ears, everything was as it should be....I was in no way prepared for what was coming.
He started to get dressed and I was teasing him with little kisses on his neck and I even got him to lay down on my bed again. My cat came up to say hello and Martin started to pet her.
Suddenly he said : I cant do this anymore.
I misunderstood and thought I wasnt not getting laid anymore tonight because he cant get it up again.
Then he said something that set my inner alarm off :
-I dont want to hurt you.
Generally when people say that it means they are going to try to hurt you.
It went like this :
M- we cant go on like this
C- what do u mean liebling ?
M- This is too much, its not a one night stand anymore.
C-So its a several night stand, I believe the word you are looking for is shag buddies, we are shag buddies thats all, you are thinking way too much .
M-We kiss so much and so deeply, we make love so closely, you cant get enough of me and its confusing me, in here ( pointing to his heart)
C-I cant get enough of your body when it is inside mine , yeah but this is purely sexual. When I have sex I really get into the moment , just like when I eat chocolate I close my eyes and really enjoy that moment, its about savouring thats all, nobody is going to fall in love here, stop worrying about nothing.
M-Thats the point, when we make love its so incredibly good and we get so intimate and so close, dont you think its a little weird doing something so profound outside a loving bond ?
M- come on Martin we are having fun, I got great times to give you, without any complications or strings attached, what more could you want ?
M-I dont want to have just fun I want to be loved, I want a woman for life.
C-Did we not agree on no relationship from day 1 ? U want one now ????
M-No I dont want a relationship. I want a soul mate.
C-A what ? All I have to give you is fabulous sex, tons of it.
M- I know, but I just want to have that kind of sex with the woman who will be my soul mate.
C- you wanna deprive yourself of great sex for someone you dont even know?
M-No I am gonna have sex with lots of others till I find her but not the kind of sex we have, I just think such deep intimate love making should only take place between 2 people who love each other thats all. I want sex but not like this, its too good, its too much.
C-I have known the kind of love you are dreaming of, and its beautiful beyond description, however the price of it is extremely high, and when this love gets yanked out of your heart as it always does , one way or another, the pain is excruciating, thats why I decided to quit love, it hurts too much.
M-look that thing we have is no longer just fucking, we have reached a point where we either develop a relationship or we break up. I decided that we need to break up because its going too far. The next time I feel this, I want it to mean something, not fun, not casual dating.
M-say something.
M-its ok if you want to cry.
M-Promess me that you are not gonna cry.
C-Dude, why should I cry, it is you who is making a Greek tragedy, not me. I think its pretty silly to lose all this for an illusion, you could have been my shagbuddy for years without any official involvment till you found somebody. Too bad.
M-Look Im so confused, maybe we should have a break so that I can work out what I want, or maybe we should just breakup. but I cant carry on like this.
you need to chuck me out and get mad at me.
C-Nah its ok, Im just not gonna call you anymore till you make a move.
He told my cat he was going to miss her, the silly bitch broke up with my cat too!
I remained ladylike and kissed him goodbye as I opened the door.
Goodness me ! have you ever heard of anything that ridiculous ?
Stupid German boy missing out of lots of hot sex for no real reason, settling for ordinary sex so that it doesnt get too much for him. pffffff
However I wasnt gonna give him the power to have me waiting , Hell no !
I texted him later and wrote : it was beautiful between us but you are right, we must stop now.
There ! that will show the bitch how to work out what he wants.
This has happened to me before, countless times and it still annoys me. Most of my shaggbuddies always give me an ultimatum, relationship or break up.
I cant believe I got dumped without having a relationship to be chucked out of.
I still maintain this is extremely stupid, my friend MN, a man whose opinion I value ,says that a lot of men are more sensitive than we think. My son to whom I said it happened to a friend ,( without the gory details,) said he has many friends who say this to girls just to watch them plead and sometimes its because they want to force a relationship on the girl.
What says you ?
I am still too fuming to think clearly.
Check my ebook here
all a bit dramatic. Are you sure he's not really gay or bi? LOL And I thought it was women who were complicated...
Hard to judge as we've never met Martin never mind had sex with him(!) but I'd say he's testing you for you to say -
please come to me I need you blah blah.
But based on your leitmotif you don't need Martin - you have lots of others...
So wait for him to come back tail between his legs (also something else more interesting for you between his legs)
Hahahahaha I did wonder if he was bi as he shaves his legs as well as his genitals and armpits. ln my experience men who break up with me always regret it and try to get back into my pants again, But this one Im not gonna take back because I think it was pretty arrogant of him to throw away all this for no real reason, and if this was an attempt at pressuring me, its even more unforgivable. Oh well, more for the others ! lol
indeed he came back in april and cought me at the right time. This time its even more beautiful and passionate than before, i wonder how he doesnt find its too close or too much. Since I Dônt want to have a real conversation with him im just avoiding the subject altogether and just... carpe diem till he stabs me in the back again, lol.
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