I love it !!!!
BUT yesterday I felt like seeing Martin and he came running, I hadnt seen Martin in a while so that felt like something new, I actually had butterflies in my stomach waiting for him, I treated myself to a long bubble bath and a facial and enjoyed the butterfly thing. When he rang the door I checked myself in the mirror and saw that I still had bits of facial cream on my neck ! yuck ! luckily I live on the third floor so by the time Martin knocked on my door the misshap had been wiped cleaned.
Martin is the opposite of Igor, first he greets my cat properly and then, we will kiss and make out for ages, with our clothes on.
It feels like when you are teenagers and you wont go all the way with your boyfriend because you want to reach your wedding night as a virgin, so you put all your sensuality in your kissing.
Oh what a great kisser ! He really takes his time to kiss my lips, to cup my face, to touch my neck , to caress my legs, his kisses are not foreplay kiss or even sex kiss, his kisses are orgasmic ! His kisses are full of love.
I love it too !
Last night was all about me, he managed to get some wood and wow !
but even then, it wasnt Igor's crazy pounding, it was tender and gentle and soft and warm and romantic.
He kept gazing into my eyes and moaning so sexily.
it was mind blowing !
I love men who voice their pleasure.
Igor screams we he makes love .....Martin moans softly.
It was so magical I wanted to at least give him a nice blow job to show my appreciation but he wouldnt let me make love to him ! He was making love to me and feeling such pleasure from it.
Even when I sneakily managed to get on top of him and plant a few kisses on his tummy, he pulled me back up for a deep kiss and bang I was underneath his body again !
That is the first time in history a man does this with me. What an incredible treat ! Im not saying I'd want this all the time but last night... I felt like a queen, being pampered like that.
At some point he was resting on me, I laid there feeling how nice this was, that long skinny pale body ( yes another giant ) on top of mine, his heart beat thumping hard on my chest, his head nestling on my shoulder, his hands still holding mine.
Yum what a magical moment.
I love those moments when you are both exhausted but happy, empty but energised, looking at each other smiling without talking, thinking at the same time : wow that was beautiful ! feeling grateful for what you just gave and received.
Martin looked at me, kissed me some more and off we went again on a magic carpet of creative body exploring.
After 2 hours of this beauty, he was fighting against the temptation of sleeping in my arms some more and jumped in the shower.
After he said goodnight to my cat, I was kissing him good night too, saying that it had been absolutely fantastic, he stared at me seriously and whispered in that funny eastern German tone " weiss du, mit kussen kan man sich verlieben".......
that means : " you know, one can fall in love kissing "
I giggled that falling in love in more complex than that, its not physical and besides he is perfectly safe with me.
It would never occur to Igor to say such a thing, to even think it.
I looked in the mirror while brushing my teeth and notice my eyes were sparkling like diamond ! my eyes were as shiny as my cats eyes, also something that never happens with Igor.
I cant decide what is best : the passionate crazy raw toe curling sex with Igor who is the perfect shag buddy in every way.
The romantic gentle warm touchy kissy expertise of Martin who turns making love into a fairy tale dream but always says something dumb afterwards.
which one are you and which one do you prefer ?
Check my ebook here
ha! good question. Really well written piece -honest and true. Its good that people can write about sex in an honest forthright way. I'm a man and I'm more Martin than Gregor but I have some Gregor as well - on a des moments de dechainement complet. One can go to some amazing places with an energy without limits. And its the energy each person feeds off the other creating the desire in a harmonious circle. And your shiny eyes say it all...
nice ! thank you.
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