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Wednesday 13 February 2013

The privilege of being single

Tomorrow Valentine shall be upon us again with its usual consequences. Smug arrogant married women or those in long term relationships will look at single women condescendingly and sigh
" oh dear ! You are still alone ? no rose or candy for you yet ? "
Let me explain what happens when you are a single woman.
The sky is the limit. You want to get laid, you seduce someone and you get laid. You don't want to get laid, you don't. You need not do stuff against your will for fear of losing him. Being single means being totally free, completely in charge of your life. So what if you don't get one yearly attention on that day ? You can get plenty attentions any other day of the year. Don't you find it terribly unspontaneous to know that your man has to be nice to you that very day for the sake of tradition ? How boring is that ? What about the rest of the year ? Does your man help you rearing the kids ? Does he do his share of housework ? Does he get the trash out and fold the clean laundry ? Does he comfort you when you don't feel good ? Does he give you orgasms regularly ?
In other words.... does your man treats you well all year or does he make a fake effort only on Valentine day ?
There you have it. To all my friends and readers who are single for one reason or another I will say this : It is ok to be single on Valentine day !
Like me, make a point of not accepting a date on that day and claim the privilege of being free.
If Valentine is the celebration of love. lets remember that there are several kinds of love. Send Valentine greetings to your sexfriends, to your ex spouses if you are still friends, text valentines messages to your grown kids, to your friends, to people you admire or appreciate in a non sexual way.
Above all, have fun. Treat yourself. I am treating myself to a movie, a chocolate dessert and a comedic dvd at home later. I usually get lots of texts from family and friends and a few past and current lovers, but it will be ok whether I do or not. I am going to celebrate being alive, well and free.