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I am the boss of my sexlife, the Book has arrived !

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Wednesday 28 April 2010

One night stands save time

With one night stands You get immediate satisfaction without bothering to go trough boring dinners and conversations with a guy you just want to undress while he talks about football.
Sometimes a one night stand is so wonderfull that you come back for more and it can develop into a very nice "sexual friendship" where both of you meet every so often to have great no string attached passion and walk away to happyly move on with your life.
This happened to me with Byron, Mark and Djawad......hmmm nice !
However sometimes something goes wrong and you are relieved not to have anything to do with the creep again. Great gain of time.
If a man is sexy, hot and even great in bed but post sex turns out to be boring, arrogant, perverted or just plain stupid.....well you are real happy you found out straight away instead of going trough weeks of dating just to be disapointed afterwards, wouldnt that be a huge waste of time ???

Monday 26 April 2010

To f**** or not to f*** that is the question !

I was relaxing at home with a good book and my cat sleeping on my feet when this hottie called me, he was in town, would l like to meet him for a drink ? ( which translated means : Im so horny for you today, can we fuck ?). However l wasnt in the mood, got laid a couple of days ago anyway, so l turned him down and asked him to call another time cause l was busy. I know....l know i told a little fib. But the point is : I am only gonna have sex when l want to, not because an occasion turns up, if im not aroused, if im not doing the chase, if am not stimulated in any way, im not gonna do it just to please some guy. My sexual freedom also includes my right to chose when and with whom and how.In a relationship or a marriage you sometimes have to give in and fake, we all go through this at somme point. Hell no ! not me. The point of remaining single is to not be submitted to such things. Yay for singlehood ! I truely dont know what Bridget Jones keeps whining about.

Sunday 25 April 2010

One night stands ???

Today : I think the best sex ever with any man, any relationship is the first night. When he does his best to impress you and his primal instincts are to make you remember him as THE MAN ! After a while we all figure this out, so why oh why do we not just stick to one night stands ! Or at least leave a while between two dates with the same guy ? Does anyone have an explanation why we keep makink the same sily mistake over and over again ????