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I am the boss of my sexlife, the Book has arrived !

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Saturday 28 August 2010

liquid fire Mark

Today i was just gonna call Mark when he texted me, we agreed he'd come to my place at 5pm, he came a little earlier and we had 2 rounds of beautifull explosive sex and lots of cuddling and spooning in between. Some girl rang him after the first time but this didnt deter him from kissing me down after hanging up. It felt so good it was like liquid fire shooting up and down my legs to my toes, wow ! however it was too short, Mark is so hot and so nigerian and so cuddly, why oh why doesnt  he last longer !
but for  what it lasted it was fantastic, i guess thats why i re shagged my idiot ex shagbuddy yesterday, because he lasts very long, he can shag for hours but he is such a liyng , obsessiv, dangerous son of a bitch who always try to snatch the condom off, and he succeeded yesterday, im still fuming about it, and he bores me sometimes with his pretend love.
Mark  is the complete opposite and today he didnt even ask any stupid question ! yay! yummie yummie

Friday 27 August 2010

round and round we go again !!!!!

A couple of days after my last post, i was home feeling tres horny and considering doing something stupid like calling my exshagbuddie when  Igor rang. I told him to come straight away and it was the same magic and madness as last time !
and this time we didnt have to hurry, it lasted 2 hours !
i wonder if he could be my new shag buddy, if we carry on having a wonderfull time without complications or questions. I saw him this morning walking his little boy to school (so he was saying the truth about having his son this week), we exchanged a brief glance and a knowing smile, so funny that people have no idea that he is a hot sexy dirty sex machine and gets up to all sorts of naughty stuff with yours truely, lol.
Oops I totally forgot to call Mark  back !
I gave in to my ex shag buddy today and the sex itself was fantastic, looking straight into my eyes, moving the way i like...... it had been passionate up to the point where the condom magically disapeared ! Im sure he took it off without my knowledge, what a bastard he would do anything to stay in my life the c...t !
I told him off and ordered him to go take a test or no nookie in the future.
Pfff ! now im gonna have to wait another 3 months to test again. Man !

Saturday 21 August 2010

Been a bad girl before beeing a really good girl this month!

August has been so busy, double shift, parties, familly visits etc , i only had sex twice but it was explosive !!!!
once with Mark, very nice except for the bloody talks and once with  Igor, who is still cheating on that infortunate girlfriend, just the day before my ex husband came to Bern.
Igor was freshly back from Laddak and jumped on his phone with screaming desire for me, lol. So I decided to squeeze him during the one free hour i had this week. Yum yum ! I only expected a great quickie but this was fabulous ! hot and dirty, sweaty and sexy, incredibly intimate and deep !
when i think dirty sex i dont mean anything disgusting, what i mean by dirty sex is what happened that day with Igor, 2 entangled bodies sweating, lots of deep french kissing, lots of oral sex, tons of shagging, sweating all over each other, him running his fingers trough my sweaty hair, him stopping to shag to go down on me again and shag some more, cumming all over each other and french kissing more and more......
thats what i mean by hot dirty sex, 2 consenting adults going crasy pleasuring each other.
that was the thursday before last and i have been a good girl since,otherwise occupied, enjoying doing familly activities with my beloved familly up to yesterday when my ex husband went back to England.
i did see  Igor briefly on monday, he walked by the shop on his way to a meeting and gave me a huge knowing smile. I was in familly mode so i didnt react but i did giggle discretly thinking about how naughty i had been only a few days before, lol.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Mike asked me why i dont want to get married !!!!!!

 So I hadnt had sex since  the football worldcup half finals because i hadnt met anyone sexy enough, imagine how pleased i was when Mike called to say he was in town......... my favourite Ibo.
He picked me up from work and we walked to my place, my cat was quite surprised to see him again , first we had a talk where i again insisted that we must wear condoms or else we are not doing it at all. He lied about not fucking around , he only sees me , his wife and his girlfriend and so on, men are such liars aint they ? they would say anything to get laid without protection, pffff.
Anyway we had a great fuck and we laid there talking afterwards, and he goes on and on again, does he think im stupid or gullible or something ?
he is looking for a nice girl to marry, why dont i want to marry again ? i asked him why he wants to.
i said if he marries he will keep on fucking around and travelling so the poor  thing will not be happy. He switched from   'my wife will be free to do whatever and whomever' , to " i will make her so happy she wont need to cheat" like i never heard that one before, lol