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Friday 18 October 2013

When a man breaks your trust, quit him.

Once  trust has been broken you can not ever get it back.

A very wise and clever young man told me this :

" Sometimes you know a woman is not right for you but you still have to have her not matter what, you will do and say absolutely anything to conquer her and once she is yours.... after a while, reason will kick in and you will realise that you need to let her go because of such and such reasons that will make your life better or quieter without her in it.
Someday you realise something is missing and you can no longer deny you miss her terribly.
You simply must have her back. Passion takes over and you will apologise and plead and beg and provoke and threaten and make promises you know you cannot keep. You will even argue and use reverse psychology , if you have to you will fight to gain her trust again.
You must have your girl back at all cost, including hers.
For a while you are happy but then somehow....reality bites you in the bum and you remember that the two of you just don't function together outside a bed and you will again walk away from her, breaking her trust and wrecking  her altogether.
This is a vicious circle that might happen just once or repeat itself many times and it never ends well.
Someone always gets hurt if it does not stop in time. "

A lot of men and women go through this. I certainly have at least twice, men somehow land on their feet and get the best of both worlds. Most of us women feel devastated at losing their shred of happiness each time.
What can we do to protect ourselves against this delicious Sisyphus rock ?
Do not take him back
Do not take him back
Do not take him back

Sex with an ex can be excruciating if one of you still has feelings for the other.
Igor wants me, even after all he said, the cheating , the lies and the pathetic attempt at domination. Igor still wants me. So sure was he of the power of his huge manhood, that he thought he could do such a number on me and come back into my arms with a flashy smile and all would be forgiven.
I reacted in a way Igor did not expect. I used the good old silent treatment trick.
Yes it still works in 2013.
At first he tried casual friendly texting.
Then he asked me out in a flirtatious way.
Then he texted a heartfelt apology for having hurt my feelings.
Now he is trying to manipulate me, scare me, force a reaction out of me, control me.
I really can not  shag Igor anymore. I would still want him but I can never trust him again. How could I relax in his arms while I would be wondering when he is going to pull the macho crap or if he is going to say something hurtful ? How could I come when I would have to constantly anticipate his attacks ? I am just not going to risk it, instead I shall accept that when a man betrays your trust ..... you just don't give him another chance to hurt you again.
Sex with an ex ? No thanks.