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Sunday 9 September 2012

on fire !

after a stressful day at work I was looking forward to a long shower and curling up on the sofa with my cat in front of a funny movie BUT my favourite shagbuddy of all time rang to say he had had an awful day and wanted to unleash all his sexual energy on me. Decisions, decisions. What shall I do ?
Long shower and mind numbing tv OR hot hot hot sex with Igor ?
What would you have chosen ?
I jumped into a pale green kimono after a quick shower, fed my darling cat and put on some Marvin Gaye music.
As soon as I opened the door to Igor on fire , I knew I had chosen wisely. He swept me off my feet, ripped my kimono off my body and kissed me with a hunger I had seldom tasted on him. Igor and I stumbled in my living room and made out heavily on the dining table. What is it with guys and dining tables anyway ? If this piece of furniture could speak.....
Sex with Igor was slow and sexy, then wild and out of control, then gentle, then crazy again. Just what I needed, 3 orgasms in an hour , last one happened at the same time as Igor's ! It had been many months since I had come as intensely. Afterwards we stepped out of the shower and talked about how fantastic this primal sensation of catching fire at the same time had been. It felt as though we were not people but just elements of nature completely atuned to the univers but not knowing our names or where we were. We became, for a short moment, pure energy. Im surprised Igor went through the same at the moment I did, he reckons it could happen because we actually trust each other sexually so this is what we can achieve even if we are not in love romantically. See ? Thats exactly why Igor is my favourite of all time. He doesnt pretend to be in love nor to want more. He is very clear about what we are doing together. Why oh why arnt all men just like Igor ? Pure pleasure and no bullshit.


Anonymous said...

excellent - I love it. And your honesty. Its because you know each other yet you know what you can create on top of that. Its like a piece of music you know the tune but the improvisations you never know. You never know where the music will lead - and theres the joy of the discovery of where it can go.

Chantal ! said...

absolutely and the best thing is there is no price to pay for all that pleasure, our health is protected by condoms, our hearts are protected by not falling in love. I wish all men wêre like this man, giving pure pleasure without ever pretending to fall in love or wanting more.

Mr.Stanozol said...

Wohooo, nice :) Love it :)