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Tuesday 18 June 2013

the law of attraction, 2

What is it that make the magic of sexual attraction happen ?
Some good looking , smart, educated dude wearing expensive clothes and smooth talking , do absolutely nothing for me. A man who looks like life has kicked his butt and survived anyway, really turns me on. Add a broken voice and intelligent eyes in the mix and that is a done deal : I want him.
There is a new man on the horizon that fits that profile exactly. He is like an alley cat and his face shows signs of having survived rough deals, marks, small scars, couple of wrinkles, always looking as if he had come out of a fist fight. He is far from being good looking but I find his rugged charms very handsome. Whenever I see him in town, I managed to go talk to him while he wipes a few tables and the more I get to know him the more I feel this insane, uncontrollable , irrational desire to shag him until he screams my name with his head thrown back and his bruised tattooed body on fire.
A couple of days ago I saw him unload some crates of a van and went over to say hi as he was taking a coffee break. The conversation was incredible. Without going into details I will just say that he appears to have a couple of things in common with me. At some point I told him point blank that I had been hitting on him, albeit clumsily, because I find him very attractive . The object of my desire actually smiled and said I am very pretty and have a great smile.
It always feels nice when someone tells you that you look good,  so much more so when this come from someone you actually fancy.
I have no idea if I will succeed in seducing him but the mere prospect really excites me !

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