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Wednesday 2 November 2011

When you are single you have more time for yourself

Yesterday was my birthday, I am now 51 years old and still fabulous ! My bday celebration was wonderful but I will keep the details to myself. However I must share with you something one of my sister in law said to me. We were talking about my book and about the next one I am currently writing ( That will take at least a year ), my job, my familly life, my social life, my dating life, my practicing zumba and my voluntary work. Debbie said she swears she does not know how I do it. I get so much done and I even have time for hobbies and holls ! She doesnt know how I do it. I was smiling proudly when she added.... maybe it is because you dont have a man to look after ? lol.
I thought a lot about what my sister in law said and came to the conclusion that yes, she is right. It is because I dont have a man to look after that I have all that time for myself. Besides my 9 hours a day job and my couple of hour a week volontary work, I have so much time for me. I can go to a movie or eat some sushis in the street while queuing up for the bus. I can facebook or blog or watch telly all night if I want to. I can organize impromptue home dinners with mates or go on a date if I feel like it. My laundry is quickly done, my hoover doesnt demand to be fed everyday. Once my cat has eaten and my appartment looks a little civilised, I have no obligations whatsoever. Yay !
I really dont know what some single women are complaing about, there is so much out there that we dont have time to be lonely. And when there is absolutely nothing to do, I can actually rest or lazy around in my bubble bath.
Ever since I got Volker out of my head I have been blessed with waves upon waves of creativity and energy. I am not saying we should all be single but I am saying loud and clear that being single is a really cool way to live and I am not letting any men threatening that happyness.
Man I love being single !

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