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Saturday 7 April 2012

What is the perfect lover ?

What makes the perfect lover perfect ?
What is a perfect lover ?
Let me share with  you what a perfect lover is to me anyway.......Sexually speaking this person rocks your world in and out of bed. Not only gives you fabulous romps but gives you exactly the kind of sex you love, as much of it as you want. He or she finds out slowly and sensuously what makes you moan or not, observes what makes you come hard and what makes you scream. Such a lover makes sure your needs are met before theirs. They give and give and when you return their caresses it turns to a fabulous feast of exchanging mind blowing pleasure till you drop in each other arms marvelling at what you have given each other.
Afterward it is cuddle time or talking time, or both.
You look at each other lovingly, no one is in a superior position, you feel entirely equal to each other. Domination is nowhere to be feared. This kind of lover never blackmails you sexually, never plays silly mind games and never tries  to take advantage of you showing your vulnerability. This person is smart, articulate and always gets your meaning.
You feel cared for and you glow in a circle of trust with your lover.
Socially.... he or she makes you feel very wanted but never stalked. Charming calls or texts to let you  know that they think of you,  make you feel warm inside but never threatened. That kind of lover actually listens when you talk and might surprise you with little treats out of the blue. If he or she can cook, love animals and has a solid sense of humour then I would say you caught yourself THE most perfect lover in the history of perfect lovers.
Someone who accepts the way I live and doesnt  want to change me. Someone who doesnt want children or living together. Someone who never pressures me for anything, someone I can be myself with and talk freely without calculating risks and fearing some  weird over reactions, without holding back all the time. Someone I am not afraid of and is not afraid of me.
That's what I call the perfect lover.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful recipe. This is the very best menu I've ever heard of... the most delicious, hot and tender words I've ever got to savor. Nether Apollinaire to Lou nor Napoleon to Josephine gave me such perfect words to describe MY lover ! Thanks a lot (... Lancelot nether) !

Chantal ! said...


Anonymous said...

I read you once more. No wonder you find the perfect singing words, with a first name like yours. But even so it's absolutely not easy getting to the point like you are. Respect.