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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Why dont men listen ?

Why dont men ever listen to a word I say ? Everytime I date a new man , I always state very clearly what I want and what I dont want. No relationship, no strings, no faking love, no interfering my life or his, just great sex using condoms. Those who dont like the sound of that, just run. Fine.
Those who accept my terms stay and date me for weeks, months and even years.
Am I unreasonable to assume that if they do date me for a while, it might mean that they actually heard what I said on the first date and processed it ?
Then, why oh why , do they all end up doing the opposite of what we had agreed upon ? At some point they blackmail me into having a real relationship, living together or having kids. I refuse and they leave. Im so tired of the same charade repeating itself, what is it I say or do not say clearly ? A woman trying to change a man is always dubbed hysterical and stalky, a man trying to change a woman is just being a man ? Bitch please !
Crazy Angelo with whom I had an affair a hundreds years ago and broke up with me, actually facebooked me last week reminiscing and regretting walking away, apologized and asked if we could try again ! Nothing could have surprised me more , but I gently refused, he asked if we might have a drink somewhere, Crazy Angelo did not listen.
My number one stalker Karim , regularly has episodes of stalkisms where he keeps ringing and texting, asking when and where. Somebody tells me which part of   " stay the fuck out of my life, I want nothing to do with you " Karim doesnt understand.
Karim did not listen.
Mark, a gorgeous yoruba that also broke up with me because he decided I was girlfriend material but I reminded him that I warned that I am not, had not listened the first time and walked away with his nose up. Mark has tried to get back into my pants rather forcefully this month, calls, showing up in my shop with a girlfriend to try to make me jaelous, texts and ultimately another visit in my shop to talk me into letting him into my life again. I reminded him of why he had left, he said he will now accepts my conditions because I was really sweet and he missed my touch. It took four heated discussions for Mark to let go. He was not listening.
During my arguing with Mark, I asked him what is it he had not understood when I said on our first date that there would be nothing else that fabulous sex and a few giggles, did he remember that talk ?
He did.
Then why was he not listening to a word of it ??????   
Why did he not get what I said???????????
Why did he try make me do something I clearly said I would not do ???????????
Why had he not listened ????????????????????????
Mark thought about it for a while and he answered quite seriously :
-I dont know.
He did not know ?
He did not know.
Dont you just hate it when men play stupid in order to avoid a conversation ? Me too.
So if I understand men, when they have a good fuckbuddy they want the love and care of a relationship, When they do have a relationship, they get bored and long for the hot touch of a no string attached lover. And when you ask them why.....they dont know !
Im not sure if I should cry or laugh but I am accepting that men and women do not speak the same language, which is why it is so important to keep the power of our sexual freedom to fight them.


Anonymous said...

its easy to understand Chantal - it also works for women. Its simple = psychology the thrill of the chase.
I'll say no more - but its the basic clues of attraction. You will work it out I'm sure

Chantal ! said...

hm I guess, but it doesnt make it any less frustrating. What annoys me more is that men allow themselves to behave like asses when it is convenient to them but when we do they act horrified.