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Thursday 31 March 2011

Its best to be single because :

After surviving two marriages and a couple of relationships, I am in a position to compare and I definitely recommend singlehood as a wonderful lifestyle. I didnt say celibate nor did I say lonely, I said : single.
Its best to live life as a single woman on every level.
Sexually, its best to be single as you can seduce anyone you desire without missing out on great sexual opportunities because of  loyalty to any boyfriend or husband.
Carreerwise, its best to be single as you can make your own professional choices yourself on the spot without considering a guy's opinion or be slowed down by him.
Socially its best to be single as you are free to go out or away on hollidays anywhere anytime without asking permission, having to negotiate or fearing.
You can read till late or watch any tv show, you can even talk on the phone as late as you want to without someone asking you what you are doing so late and order you back to bed. Mostly when you comply, once you are in bed they just go back to sleep anyway so what was the point of interfering with what you were doing ? They dont even have the sense to give you a nice quickie to thank you for the compagny. pffff.
Financially its better to be single because you are in charge of your earnings and spendings, no man to control your shopping and your groceries. Even if you are jobless or on low income, at least you dont have to beg a man for a box of  tampax or a new dress.
Famillywise its much better to be a single mom than being married or in a relationship in most case, because although you will have to deal with financial hardship at least you wont have to worry about your man beating or abusing the kids in anyway. It is much safer to live without a man for many reasons. When you are by yourself no one can hurt you.
Last but not least. Pleasurewise its much better to be single because... when you are part of a couple, desire will wear off within a year or two and you will have more of a brotherly connection, you will no longer be lovers, not unless you work hard at keeping your passion alive, it can be done but it takes work.
Single women have not only a lot more sex than married ones but we have better quality of sex too. One night stands are the best because men give it all they have regardless of consequences and that's great, no explanations are due on the next morning, no boring endless talk about feelings, no lies either. One night stands are our little perks ! You get laid, have great fun and go home satisfied with a smile on your face and a song in your heart. Not something that happens  a lot within a relationship ! Sexfriends or fuckbuddies are an another adventage of singlehood. I think of them as several-months-night-stands. Yummy , steamy sexperiences without consequences or obligations are the single woman's best friends !
Out of all the women I interviewed for my book and all my girlfriends I spoke to, 80% women said they gave up on a lot to be married or involved. No more great sex, no more dating and much less freedom in general.
My friend Michelle even added with a tear in her eyes : being loved and being married is not the same at all. I believe her.
Unless you find the perfect man for you and  yes there are some up there. Unless you find a truly decent man who is strong enough to let you be who you are, like my friend Renee  has, unless you got yourself an exceptional man... its best to remain single.
You will be happier, free and have more money , more options, more pleasure and so much more fun.
Before some start sending me weird mails, I am not against marriage or married people but I do resent smug married women who condescendingly tell unmarried women : Oh dear ! you are still alone ? Dont will find someone.  Bitch please ! You are so in denial.

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