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Saturday 5 March 2011

Why should we always change for them ?

Mirjam is a pretty, smart, strongwilled and opinionated woman in a thirties. She has a good computer job and is quite independant. She also has a handicap that has her sitting in a wheelchair since birth and  that has never stoped her from having boyfriends, both valid and not. Mirjam broke off her last long term relationship because her boyfriend  was getting a little too dominant. Since she decided to have a try at being the boss of her own sexlife, she told her new love interest that she would prefer to stick to a physical connection rather than an actual relationship. We are both pretty sure this guy noticed that Mirjam was in a wheelchair after sleeping with her for a few weeks. The day came when he said  he wanted a real relationship with Mirjam and do couple things with her. She reciprocated his feelings therefore accepting to have a real relationship with her lover. He started to get bossy and unpleasant as soon as he was certain of Mirjam's feelings for him. His demands are unreasonable and evil. He has ridiculous expectations  such as the two of them taking walks with Mirjam not using her chair, which means she has to painfully uses special crutches for short distances. Why does make her do this ? Simply because he doesnt find the chair nice looking and he doesnt want to be seen dating a woman in a wheelchair ! Did the chair not bother him all those weeks they were shagging ? He must know she needs her chair to get around and yet he has the cruelty to force her not to, and all for the sake of how it looks ? If the dude doesnt want to date a disabled girl then he shouldnt date one. Or , he should have stayed in the closet like they were at the begining. The point Mirjam was making last night as we discussed this, is we always change who we are in order to suit our men. Why do we do this ? When we like our man we either change to fit the mold or we change as he tells us to. We diet to lose weight,  we dress to please him, we even change our hair dos and our hobbies for him. Must we always change who we are and what we do in order to keep a man ? Aparently we do. Being the boss of my sexlife means I dont have to go trough this nonsense anymore because I dont want to have my own man. That was one of the first benefice I enjoyed in my new philosophy. As to my mate Mirjam, I know her intelligence will kick in and trow the creep away when she reaches breaking point.


Anonymous said...

The point here is a power struggle, even though Miriam is in a wheelchair her guy figured she was a worthy enough opponent to fight. Respect or acceptance were not present here - all she needs to simply do is not to compromise and give way. In the end she will be respected more - a part of her never to be possessed. Voila

Chantal ! said...

yes indeed. I spoke to Miriam last night, they are still dating but she told him there is a couple of things about him that she dislikes , namely his job and his perfectionism. He was astounded. she hasnt reached breaking point yet but I do trust her intelligence and her self restpect.