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Wednesday 12 October 2011

why are men so scared to be seen bruised ?

Shagbuddy number one had been silent for a while and I wondered why. I have been very busy lately, replacing colleagues and doing my own work. I had not noticed the lack of communication. But when I felt like seeing him and he did not call back I thought something felt off. I texted him again and that is when he told me he had been in an accident. He spent a couple of days in intensive care and was ok now. Ok, with tons of stiches over his many wounds, a head concussion and pain in every single part of his body. I was sorry to hear that.
When I asked him why he had not called me, he answered that he was so much in pain that he just could not think of calling his mother or....a friend. ( I guess that would be me ). He was in pain as we were talking and talked a lot about how bad he was hurting, I explained that 4 years ago I had been very sick for a summer and the pain was so overwhelming that it was taking up the place of everything else in my life, the pain left no room for compassion, politeness or even decency. I told him that and he seemed to understand.
When I asked if I could help in anyway, if I could come see him, he sighed that he just wanted some peace and quiet. I thought I might make him some healing tea or help with his therapy or read him a book. Little things you do for sick friends. But he reiterated that he needs peace and quiet because all he ever does is taking pain meds and doze off to sleep in the midle of a sentence. He hinted that he looked nothing like the man I date, he walks around on with sticks and his face is so swollen and blue that little kids are scared when they see him. Who cares about that ? Why does he feel he can only show himself to me when he looks perfect ? Most men are terrified to show women that they can be hurt.
Who said a man has to be on top condition all the time anyway ?
Sure I am attracted to his bad boy charm and I like his normal looks but this doesnt mean I cannot be nice to a shagbuddy at a dark time of his life.
So he decided that it is ok to call him when he is awake but he wont show me his broken face and bruised body.
How silly can men ego be anyway ?
Can someone explain to me why men are so afraid to show themselves to the women they date when they are battered and bruised ?
Dont they know that our maternal instinct would kick in ?


Anonymous said...

Hi Chantal -An easy one to answer -Its about the relationship between you too - based on sex and his masculinity. Hes unable to show that as hes in another place so your normal relationship can no longer function. He's probably depressed as well so for him he's be embarrassed. If you were real friends he'd take your care and tissanes. Men usually make a fuss when they're ill;-))

Chantal ! said...

Thank you for sheding some light on this. The more I think of this, the more I think you have a point.I guess it is another price to pay for my freedom. : )