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Saturday 17 December 2011

Nerds can be hot, who knew ?

I had the surprise of my life yesterday. After a flu and a bad cold, I had a three weeks dry spell. Shagbuddy number two would not go anywhere near me as long as I had this cold, and I absolutely cannot call back shagbuddy number one after I have been  ignoring  him each saturday for the past two months. I want nothing to do with my two former stalkers and there in nothing new on the market lately. Everyone is either married or taken.
The usual guys hit on me again and again but I really dont feel turned on by this as it robs me of the fun of hunting.
I  rang Mike, this really really hot nigerian that I hadnt seen in many months and when I sweet talked him into a date, he answered that now that he is 36, he wants to have a woman of his own. A woman who loves and support him, not just a playmate, and by the way it is my fault if we dont have a relationthip because this and this and this. I wished Mike well and grabbed my cat for a cuddle in front of a romantic comedy.
Bloody men !
Yesterday I felt so horny I even told a girlfriend at lunch that if I did not find anyone nice to hump soon, I would jump on the post man if I had to.
Finally I saw someone staring at me at the food counter where we were filling our plates. He looked like a older student, the kind who goes to school well in his thirties and still lives and dress like a college kid.
He was slightly taller than me, slim, wore glasses and had a sweet shy smile. What was I suppose to do with that ? He initiated a conversation about bio vegetables and I notice he had intelligent green eyes and a receeding hairline. Everyone knows I am not into smart men but I was desperately horny and he was something new. We exchanged numbers and he promissed to call later. When he did I pretended to want to show him this extremely interesting nutrition book and he pretended he really wanted to borrow it, right now.....
James turned up ten minutes after our phone call, he was parked right in front of my building. We had some tea and small talk, I wondered what I was doing since he was not all all my type of man. Everything about him screamed intellectual nerdy computer geek but......
But I liked the way he looked at me, with gentleness and his voice felt like a caress on my skin. I took the initiative to cup his face between my hands and kissed  him and  then.....fireworks started.
Undressing me slowly, kissing my body voluptuously, driving me crasy with desire and making it last. Wow, there is a lot to be said for nerds. Once the glasses were off, his green eyes were feasting on my face. After we climaxed together, I just laid there holding him in my arms. He cupped my breast and kissed my eyelids gently.  I couldnt help noticing that he had surprisingly rough hands for a man possesing such culture. James asked where I was and I did tell him it was funny how his speech and his look screamed office worker but his hands said farm labourer.
James giggled and revealed that he is in fact a surgeon ! He often needs to scrub and disinfect his hands and that what ruins his skin.
A surgeon !
Last time I dated a surgon I was so bored we didnt go beyong kissing and I found an excuse to leave.
James, however,  really does not look surgeony at all, with his black jeans and his laptop in a blue backpack. I always maintained educated men were lousy in bed but James changed my opinion now. He marvelled at being so relaxed and making love to a complete stranger in the early evening instead of focusing on his many responsibilities and working hard all the time like a good surgeon should, I pointed out that he is absolutely entitled to have some pleasure break occasionally, this should help keep him on top of things and stress free. As he left, he turned around for a last kiss. We know it is only a one shot but it felt soooooo good, especially after such a long dry spell. This morning I googled him and discovered that he said the truth, yeap some men do that, but he is bigger that he said.  Two  surgeries in two cities and he is so humble about it ? Nerds are definetely worth doing. Yay nerds !


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the joke of the woman who has sex with a dentist. Afterwards she tells him that he must be a very good dentist. He is pleased to hear this and asks her how she knows? She responds 'Because I didn't feel a thing'! Luckily your hands on surgeon did knwo what he was doing;-) Bon continuation

Chantal ! said...

hihihihi how embarassing ! Yes my surgeon was much better than that, lol, and he was humble about it, that made him even sexier to me.