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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Dont tolerate harrasment from a psychopath.

Last night I had a really scary experience. One brazilian psychopath frightened me good and proper.
Last summer I had dated him for one week, first out of curiosity because I had never had a brazilian before and also because I was desperate to disconnect from my east german shagbuddy who was becoming more and more important in my life. When he crossed the line by ringing by bell unexpected in the wee hours of the morning and then refused to admit it, I realise he was very unstable and broke up gently and diplomatically. In july. We are now in december.
He did pester me on the phone and at the center practically begging me to sleep with him, sometimes threatening me when I made it clear that will not happen again. In the past couple of months he seemed to have understood and he left me alone, great was my joy .
Imagine my horror when last night at 11.15 pm I get a text from that stupid psycho saying he is on his way to my house now !
I was schocked and rang him to tell him off. It felt like talking to a brick wall.
I was doing my best not to sound afraid, which I admit I was.
I asked what was wrong with him, he said why ?
I coldly said that he cannot invite himself like this even if he is drunk or on drugs or on whatever, was he kidding me ?
He kept answering that there was no reason not to and that he would be there in 5 minutes, I screamed that no he wasnt and he repeated that he would be there in 5 minutes and that I better come down.
Then he put the phone down on me.
So we have someone who is not only delusional, rude, void of any sense of pride or dignity and lives in total denial. In other words someone very dangerous. Because if this goes to court his lawyer will plead temporary insanity.
Still I stood my grounds and put on a sweaters and some jeans in case the police needed to come. I was ready to call the police if he actually pounded on my door.
I also prayed intensely.
At 2 am I actually fell asleep with my phone still in my hand. Nothing happened.
Im not sure what happened but I hated it. Feeling threatened in my own home ? really ?
If this happens again I will have to involve the police at some point.
Ladies, if you have a psychopath stalker problem, whatever you do, dont let him into your house or your car. You never know what they might do. Just refuse them access to your body and to your place. It may not be enough to get rid of him but it is much better thant the alternative.
Be strong and dont tolerate harassment.


Anonymous said...

thats scary. We think people are normal and reasonable then we discover there are some wires missing in important places. We realize that logic and reason are just meaningless words. We may as well be talking swahili. Lucky you got out of this one. Hopefully he'll lose interest,

Chantal ! said...

well the idiot did stand at the entrance of the shop 2 weeks ago, yelling " silly cow" at the top of his voice and walking away. I pretended to read a newspaper and not care at all but it was unpleasant. This is scary indeed, I have dealt with some weird men in my time, even some tough men but they all possesed some pride and dignity unlike that bloody psycho.