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Wednesday 18 July 2012

They say I love you and they leave. WTF ?

Lately I have come to realise that the most dangerous words a lover can say to me are words of love.
Apart from the father of my children, whenever a boyfriend, lover or  shagbuddie says they have feelings for me, that they like me a little too much, that they think they could fall in love with me, that we couldnt kiss like that unless we were connected in some way or that they love whole body prepares for the worse because it is exactly what happens next !
Why cant someone  just say they like me and carry on seeing me ?
Why do they have to complicate things with pretend words of love ?
I have never asked a lover to say they love me,  not ever. I occasionally thought that it would be nice for some people to say it at some point but I always controlled myself and swallowed my words before I could do some damages. If I can do this why cant they ?
How annoying is it that each time a lover start some kind of declaration it is always the prelude to blackmail, breaking up or hysterics !
This year alone from January to July, this curse repeated itself twice within 7 months. Martin breaks up with me in bed and say he has feeling for me, K once mentioned possibly falling madly in love with me and dumped me by text a couple of weeks later !
Guys !seriously. Why do you tell people you love them if it a lie ? A big fat ugly lie, unrealistic illusions.
Don't I always tell you I don't want to hear rubbish or lies ? How often have I told all of them as soon as they start these love lies that there is no need to lie to me to get me in bed, just give me what I want already !
Give me lots of mind blowing sex and do not, I repeat , do not talk about love under no bloody circumstances ! Ever !
Next time a lover say they love me I shall just jump out of bed and break up myself.

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