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Sunday 31 March 2013

Make time for pleasure

Whatever you do, never forget to take some you-time during the day and have some fun. Even if it is just a cup of tea, enjoy the wonderful aroma, sip it slowly and feel the taste, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and fully live the moment you are drinking your cup of favourite tea. You can always answer the phone, check your emails, do your books and return your boss's call in a few minutes. But do take some time for yourself each and everyday.
The same goes for sex. So what if your schedule is so tight you don't feel like planning a romantic night and even a bubble bath seems like a chore, if a great lover is available for a short time in the morning or during your lunch break and he happens to want to jump your bones too...., you should grab the chance to relax and treat yourself to a power quickie. Yes it might lack the magic of candle light and silk lingerie but you will feel so naughty to be doing the deed at a time you are supposed to catch your breath or gulp down some junk food or get ready to stress even more. Adrenalin will pump up and down, Oxytocin and Endorphin ( the feel good hormones the brain release when we have fun ) will give you some energy stronger than any drugs could and without the nasty side effects.
To give yourself the time to fuse your body with another, to kiss passionately and enjoy delirious orgasms with someone who is on the same wavelength and time schedule you are. To just live this moment of pure primal pleasure just for yourself is so......liberating !
There is no time to cuddle afterwards ? Who cares ? You will  need to go to the bathroom anyway.
Your hair is disheveled  and your make up has melted, so what ? You feel now so good and so rejuvenated it was well worth it. One trip to the bathroom later, your clothes are back on, your make up is retouched, your hair is innocent looking and you are the only one knowing why you  smile happily and have a sudden boost of energy lasting the whole day.
Yay for power quickies !

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