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Friday 7 January 2011

The scariest words a man can say to me

I just saw a really funny show about a 40 something divorcee who has a young lover and breaks up with him when he tells her he loves her, egged on by her girlfriends. The reality is not half as funny but not too far either.
There is a  movie that starts with Angelina Jolie beeing damped by her current lover because he was demanding a real relationship and she couldnt commit.
Im not unacustomed to such situations.

Younger lovers of mature women do have a tendance to get carried away strongly but they come down just as fast. Thats why if you date a younger man and he says the L word, its best to put a stop to it before starting a chain of events that will lead to serious heart break.
In fact if any man you are dating says the L word, run for your life, or if you really like the guy tell him you dont want to hear that word again if he wants to carry on whatever it is you got going. ( unless you want to devellop a relationship, then you need a different strategy ) .
People , specially women, often misunderstand sexual extasy for love, they confuse sexual compatibility with completing each other.

Sometimes a sexual encounter is so intense and so beautiful that you cant stop thinking of it and you absolutely need to recreate the magic , you want to feel again what he made you feel because it was so extraordinary that you sometimes wonder if it really happened at all.
Thats when you are lucky.
Which is great  for the lovely memory of a wonderful one night stand, but what happens if you repeat the same experience with the same guy and feel the same wonder again and again ?
Most of the time the novelty will wear off and the magical lover will turn into a friendly poker that will turn around after 10 minutes to snore and fart and you will be left wondering what it is you ever fancied about him in the first place.
Thats when you are quite lucky.
Sometimes, the sex is so good that you will cross a few lines and break a few rules and suddenlly your shag buddy is not a sex toy anymore, you know his history, you know his likes and dislikes, you understand his point of view and agree without arguing, you began to establish a rapport of trust, something that should be reserved for friends only.
You even wonder if maybe this could be "the one" , you are more and more relaxed around him and the day he offers to take things further into a relationship you jump in with both feet. That wasnt what you were looking for but you stumbled on a love story so why not chance it ?
The day he tells you he loves you, you want to believe it so much that you allow yourself to be completely exposed to all sorts of harms, you even begin to change your life to suit his and at first it feels really good...

Men always want what they cannot have so a woman like me is often viewed as a challenge to them, many have tried to break me, 2 of them nearly made it.
The most scary words a man can say to me are : you are safe with me.
When a man says  these words I tense up and get ready for battle. It is as when a man says: I dont want to hurt you, he is going to hurt you within 5 minutes of saying this. And when a man says I love you right in the middle of a fabulous romp or right after it or during a special moment, how can you trust him ? is it sexual gratitude ? is it a trick to make sure you will be faithfull ? is it a con to make you defenseless so that he can tear you apart ? is it because he is at a low point in his life and he thinks you might make a fine compagnion ?
How can you trust a man when he says I love you ?
Most of them have an agenda. Good or bad, it always ends up with him submitting you to his will with the option of flashing you down the toilet once you have given him everything and you are no longer a worthy opponant.
You end up broken hearted, distrusting of people, and humilated.
Thats when you are not very lucky at all.
Is it worth the risk ? I put it to you that it is not.
Last year I got dumbed by 3 of my bedmates whom I had really liked, Djawad, Mark and Volker, I didnt even get annoyed because this often happens in my connections to men, they end up wanting more, I dont want to give more and they flee. Or they try to tell me what to do, I rebel and they flee still !
Im used to it, I hate it but I rather go trough this regularly than say yes to a relationship and get seriously hurt.
Am I overdoing it ? Probably. But thats the way it works for me,
would it work for you ?
I  havent gotten my heart broken in years ! yay !


Anonymous said...

interesting...a realistic or cynical view of relationships? All the chemicals dancing around in our brains with the primary view of procreating the human race.
I think a man tells a woman he loves her while making love its the same as eating some really good food and enthusing about it. At that moment one feels so wonderful with that person its the perfection of that moment that counts and its a way of expressing it. Sex is God's way of brainwashing us to get together and have relationships. Of course one can't keep that passion up and things change. Look around at your friends and family in relationships. They must retain something of what was there in the beginning? But I'm kinda with you in the theatre of passions. I went through my years of being in an unpassionate relationship and I would never ever compromise now...

Chantal ! said...

id say it is a realistic view of relationship, indeed when sex is so wonderfull I feel transported ,I feel a kind of loving gratitude for the person inside me and I at least look at him adoringly when for a few seconds before landing back on earth. The only couples I know who stil have that spark are those who still set some time apart for sex, weekends away pretending to be lovers. Otherwise most couples just grow to be best friends or indiferent. I would never tolerate a dispassionate relationship either, life is too short for that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to talk about this, I feel strongly about it and really like learning extra on this subject. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your weblog with extra info? It’s extremely useful for me. XR2011K6

Chantal ! said...

Dear XR2011K6, thank you very much for your comment. This is the very point of this blog, sharing my wisdom, my experience so that the women who read it might get stronger and handle bad men situations better. Also, it wont hurt if some men read it and treat us with more honesty in the future.