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I am the boss of my sexlife, the Book has arrived !

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Saturday 29 January 2011

separating sex from real life

Yesterday as I was waiting for the green light to cross the street I saw some children gigling and thought they were adorable, I looked up at whomever their dad might  be and  immediately looked away while turning bright red.
That busy working  dad holding his little boy's hand with one, a briefcase in the other and carryng a back pack full of groceries while shouting at his other little boy not to cross just yet ,that  was my sex bomb Igor.

How embarrassing ! I had been working hard all morning and was on my way to the grocery store, in other words I looked tired and was dressed without an ounce of elegance.
I was not at all expecting to see him in his real life during a moment of my real life and my cheeks went burning.
And he saw me like this !
What was he doing in my neighborhood anyway ?

It occured to me that Igor has seen me exhausted, naked and disheveled even half asleep or barely awaken  before,  so what was I hiding from ?
The light just insisted on staying red and I couldnt help taking another look at Igor... oh no, he was staring at me too.
I was gonna change into a strawberry if my face went any redder, but I couldnt stop having fabulous shag flashbacks of us melting into each other 2 weeks ago and how deliciously kinky he can get.
I was almost afraid of looking at him because of how turned on that made  me feel.
This is a moment in my real life, I thought, there is a time for everything, im not in sex mode right now and it is inconvenient to be distracted.
Right now is time to be serious and do groceries before going back home  then back to work to do some admin work, cannot be on fire now, not now. 
Men are too much of a distraction if you take them seriously.

I crossed over anyway and thought it safe to turn back to take another look at that walking volcano.
Oh dear !  Igor was still looking at me from a distance.
Was he thinking the same as I was ?
Was his heart throbing and his pulse raising  like mine was ? was he mentally ordering his dick to go down ? 
Not now, I thought, dont be such a school girl, dont be distracted.

It was like 2 worlds colliding.

I strongly believe in compartementalising every aspect of my life, like in different files  that never ever mix.
I cant deal if they do. Silly, I know.
I separate  every aspect of my life methodically.
I separate my job from my social life, my spirituality from my sexuality, my fitness club from my shopping habits, my hobbies from my duties, my familly is at the top of my priority pyramid and my friends have no idea who my lovers are and my lovers have no clue as to who I really am and what I do.
I like it that way, this gives me total control of my life and I dont like it when two worlds collide.
I would hate it if a lover of mine dated a woman I befriend, played golf with my brother or ate at the same restaurant I do with my real friends.
My best friend said that is a little paranoid, an ex lover of mine once called me selfish for it.
It is not selfishness it is simply self protection.
Separate every thing, that would be impossible to do had I a real relationship, men do ask too many questions.

There you have it, the secret to beeing happy and in control is :
-no men in a power position.
-separate each aspect of your life.

Im not sure if this would work for everybody but it sure works for me.
Do you really think Im overdoing it ?


Anonymous said...

what would have been wrong with saying hi to him in front of his kids anyway ?

Chantal ! said...

because we are not friends, we are fuckbuddies, our only connection is sexual so if I had said hello in front of his children they would have asked who i was and what could he have said ? even if he had pretended i was a friend there would have been more questions and i didnt want to put him trough that, i would have done the same if my children had been present. Best to keep your sex life separate from your familly life, for the sake of everyone concerned.