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Sunday 30 May 2010

Gorgeous black man with golden hands !

I actually had a friday night off this week and since I owed Jerome  a massage we scheduled it for friday.
He arrived with a long stemed red rose ! call me romantic but there is something irresistible about a smiling black man giving you a red rose......hmmmm..... Right, im back.
it was my turn to massage him and my technique is way different to his. His style is more seductive, more relaxing. My style is more brutal and precise.
And of course at the end of his massage it turned into cuddles and caresses and kisses and gentle , mind blowing sex.
It is so funny how Jerome  doesnt shag like a black man, more finesse, more foreplay, much more seduction, however still much more voluptous and creative than a white man, he doesnt pound away but he doesnt circle around either, its more like he ......explores my body, like he wont leave any territory undiscovered by his.
At last something different, so much more stimulating than my algerian shagbuddy who always does and says the same stuff till i get bored with him and ignore his calls for a while.
I like that new guy, the hooker, the masseur, he wanted to see me again the next day but i declined cause i wanted to go see Sex and the city 2, fabulous by the way, Also ,  too much of a good thing is a little too much.
Lets see if it stays exciting.......
That guy sure loves to touch, he just couldnt stop touching me long after we were done and engaged into normal conversation. I mentioned he could stop now but he kept on, if he wasnt touching me, he was streching his arms or making big gestures to talk, i wondered if he had swallowed a box of duracell batteries before coming here.
As i introduced him to my cat , she first  roared at him, but she allowed him to pet her head.
He started to tell me all about his life, all about it before I could stop him. Some women pester men to tell them about their life but it would never occur to me to do that, specially not with someone im shagging. AND I am not telling guys my life story either, u see this is another reason i dont do marriage and relationships anymore, the lack of privacy is unbearable for me, I want my secrets, i want my memories, I want to do what i want and whom i want when i want to, i want my privacy !
Is is really too much to ask ?
So when guys do this, telling their lives, probably lying about it too, i listen quietly and dont ask questions, none.
Because i dont want them to question me , why, how, since when ? and and and.
He left after 2 hours, I slept like a baby with my cat lovingly purring  cheek to cheek with me. nice !

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