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Monday 8 November 2010

I looove gay men ! yay for gay men !

I just looooove gay men ! they really give a woman a good time without playing mind games or tryng to be dominant.
Not only are they charming, educated, cultivated and articulate, you can really talk to gay men, you can relax with them.
Every woman should have at least one or two gay men as best friends.
 Of course there is the small draw back that I cant actually sleep with any of them but I dont even need to because they make me feel so good and make me laugh sooo hard.
On saturday my daughter and I attended the black party in Zurich, this is the major gay social event in Switzerland happening on the first saturday of november.
Since we have a few friends that are gay we love going to this party with our mates.
This saturday nite was absolutely fabulous and I really needed something wonderfull.
there was hundreds of people, straight and gays, men and women,swiss and foreigners, young and old, caucasians, blacks, asians and latinos, all united, all dressed in black, leather, silk, feathers, jeans, latex and many different make ups, wigs and outrageous staff.
there was several dance floors, very loud thumping music, laser shows, pyrotechniques, lots of flammes throwing, it was perfect !
One of the wonderful things about gay parties is that there is no violence going on at all ! Hundreds of happy excited men of all age, race and credo dancing and cheering, drinking too, and not a single fight broke out ? not even raising of voices ? try to achieve that in a straight party !
We danced till 3.30 am , what a great night ! i returned home to my cat the next afternoon feeling great and I actually slept 7 hours non stop ! quite an achievement for sleepless me.


Charly said...

Hey like your photo sexy babe. Looks very tight that outfit Catwoman. Meeeow;-) Even the gays must have had some self doubts.

Chantal ! said...

lol, thanks Charly, i sure had a good time. Gay men are the best girlfriends a girl can have.