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Thursday 3 February 2011

Men screwing us into submission ?

Do they really do this ?
Do they try to screw us into submission ?
Domination need not be obvious with physical violence and abuse, it can take a more subtle form, how ?
Simply by giving us lots of sex till we cant think for ourselves. Many men do try to screw us into submission.
If they do , that is pretty despicable. Now that I think of it , Ive had lovers who would give me tons of sex just before they had to leave for a couple of days, only that I would not have the energy to have sex with another man.
Thats not love, thats not even desire, that is domination. A man who keeps shagging you for hours without really wanting it, with the sole scope of making sure their " territory " will not let another penis in.
A man who does this  is an unsecure caveman.
Some men will bed us only to change our minds or to submit us to do their will.
Some men will do it just to stop us from going somewhere, taking a new job or even going out with our friends. How about those who start petting you heavily as soon as you talk to your boss or to your friends on the phone ?

Fortunately, this doesnt work on me, but only because I am aware  some men are using their sexuality to dominate us, but thats me, how about you ?
Ladies, stop giving in just because your lover gives it so good. The truth is , if he has an agenda and uses great sex to make you do whatever he wants you to,
he is beeing manipulative and self serving, where is the fun of that ?.
If you show him you love sex with him but you will not allow it to rule your life, then he will either move on to the next victim, ( good riddance) or he will respect you and give you great sex only because he likes it.

 Many of my shagbuddies try to screw me into a relationship although I clearly said I didnt want one. I remember a really hot one night stand who asked me in between kisses if I were prepared to make a sacrifice for him ! I was so horrified I jumped out of his bed and never spoke to the creep again. He was cute and hot and reeeeeeeally sexy but what he said turned me off him immediately. A gorgeous latino would automatically throw himself at me whenever I mentioned I was going to the movies with my friends, a hot albanian tried to impose  his wife on me,  saying we had so much in common the 3 of us could be happy together ! Mark had the audacity to ask why I didnt want him forever , Martin texted me at Xmas and probably didnt understand why I didnt answer. Even Djamel my regular stalker cannot understand that I still did not fall in love with him after years of absolutely fabulous sex. and so on and on and on
All men who threaten to take their dick away if I dont do as they say, whatever their request are, who do they think they are ? or more to the point....who did they take me for ?
Yes some men are hard to walk away from and some I actually miss, I miss  Martin a lot, I miss Ismet so much but it doesnt mean I should forget who I am and what I do.
Therefore if you are a woman in this situation, please dont let him rule you just because he is wonderfull, remember you are wonderfull too and a connection based on blackmail is not a conection.

Do they really think that giving us a couple of orgasms give them some kind of power over us ?
Apparently , they do.
We just need to fight back and refuse to be screwed into submission.
Keep sex a pleasure not a weapon.

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