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Monday 1 August 2011

Drunken sex

We all know that drunken sex is a waste of everybody's time but I had a really cute  experience last night.
My God-daughter and her fiancé were in Zurich and we decided to have a japanese dinner . We had a wonderful time and I loved seeing them so happy and so in love even after six years together, bless them.
Around eleven p.m. I started to walk home because it was such a lovely starry night. As I turned into the long street that leads to mine, I noticed a man sitting on the pavement and listening to music, I distinguished the apple green nylon jacket but couldnt see the actual features of the face but this is not something you want to do in the middle of the night with a stranger in the street anyway.  I walked on quickly and set my mp3 to listen to Kylie Minogue. The man jumped up and run after me ! I nearly missed a heartbeat when he grabbed my arm.
Martin !
Suddenly my east german shagbuddy stood there before me in the middle of the night with a silly big grin and I realised he was drunk when he stumbled over me for a kiss.
-What are you doing here Martin ?
-I have been partying and I wanted to spend some time alone before going home.
-In the street ? Near my street ?
-Errr yeah. What are you listening to ?
-Errr Amy Winehouse ( I was embarrassed to be cought with romantic songs )
- Shall we have a walk in the park ?
He took my hand and we walked, or rather I walked and he zig.zaged, to the park till we found a bench.
It was pitch dark and we were all alone.
He was getting amorous and kept trying to undress me but I wouldnt let him. Years ago I dated an alcoholic and we often had al fresco sex in situations like this. I always gave in and hated myself afterwards. I had flashbacks of Carlos and freaked out, I straddled Martin and grabed his hands off my shirt.
-Shatz, do you remember what happened last saturday ?
-I'd rather not.
-You behaved like a primitive  cro magnon and I'd like to understand why.
-I am  embarassed  to have treated you so brutally, I dont know why I did it.
-Because it didnt get too out of hand, Im willing to put it down to experience but I never want you to do this to me ever again. I dont like brutality at all.
-I mean it ! Never again.
Martin's embarassement was genuine. I felt a wave of tenderness for him and deposited a small kiss on his forehead. He jumped and asked what I was doing.
-what do you mean ? 
-You kissed my forehead, why did you kiss my forehead ?
-Is it that unpleasant ?
-No it just that it feels funny.
He was quite serious and asked me point blank :
-What  was your childhood like ?
-What ?
-What's the name of your religion ?
-Why ?
-Because I wanna know.
-You are sooo drunk, lets go back to my place for a strong cup of coffee.
-Im not drunk.
-Oh you  soooo are , come on.
I managed to walk back to my building with Martin wrapped around me. Later on in my kitchen I was making coffee while he kept kissing my back and tried to undress me. I led him to my balcony where I made him drink his coffee  which he liked so much he even drank mine.
He was feeling better already and we could actually have a nice conversation.
Some men get agressive when they drink and some become over romantic and laugh a lot.
Im pleased to say Martin fits the second category just like my ex hubby does.
He gave me a long long  languid kiss that made my head spin and said :
-I want your body,  I want it now.
-You got it.
-I do ?
We laid on my bed, in each other arms, making out slowly. He whispered that he loved my beautiful ass and my gorgeous breasts, my silky skin and my sweet lips and and ....and.
That felt so good !
The sex itself was not as explosive as usual but we came anyway before he fell asleep in my arms.
It was nice, warm and comfy. My cat jumped up and cuddled up to him. It was so cute watching them play together. When Martin  left he was feeling so much better as when he had stumbled in, walking upright and smiling, blowing me air kisses from the stair case. Was is destiny that put me on his path ? Or was he waiting in my street hoping to see me ? Was he looking for a dignified way to apologize ? I have no idea but it turned out nicely.


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