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Thursday 23 September 2010

Im complex and compelling, aint we all ?

Yes , I need to be alone sometimes, without wanting to cruise or score or party or whatever. Sometimes it is nice to just sit in a bubble bath or on my couch with either the tv on or some candlelights, listening to wonderfull music, right now im lost into Vide Cor Meum.
My son picked up our  cat to babysit her this weekend because ill be in Geneva  doing volontary work till saturday night. I miss my cat already but i know she loves my son and so does he.
I bet you didnt think a sex queen like me was capable of generosity, abnegation and compassion. Well i am.
Its important to know that a woman can be 
Liberated, free and yet maternal and loving.
Crazy, fun loving yet responsible and dependable.
Sexual, physical,  yet Church going and scriptures reading.
Unfaithfully bed hoping but fiercely loyal in friendship.
Tough but charitable
Cynical but hopefull.

So i guess im a complex woman but im pretty sure most of us are several women in one and it is perfectly ok to show different people differant aspect of our personality.It is apropriate to enjoy each moment of happyness life has to offer us, whatever it is, however small or important.
Enjoy every single moment of joy you can, be it looking at some delicate roses, eating some yummie foreign food, laughing hard with your friends, cuddling with an animal, having fabulous sex with a gorgeous stranger, reading a wonderfull book or watching your children grow into descent independant strong adults. Enjoy every single moment of happyness that you can because ........we have no idea how long it will last and how many more of those moments happyness life will be giving us.

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