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Tuesday 14 September 2010

Women have the power and dont know it

Conventions and religions have us convinced from a young age that we must be someone's wife or girlfriend if our life is ever to be worse living.
This major nonsense was  probably promoted by men themselves to keep us from knowing our power and our worth.
In the same way karnacks stop elephants from realising how strong and powerfull they really are, so that they can use them as servants , this is exactly what men have been doing to us since stone age.

How is it that beeings capable of creating life and nurture it for years, creatures who possess logic and feminine intuition, who are capable of handling  running a household, raising children, councelling everyone AND working, not to mention multiorgasming and  dayly multitasking  ................ how did  monotasked,+easily overwhelmed +short spaned attention men managed to make us feel that we were weaker that them in most ways ? up to the point that we are not complete without one of them when it is fine for them to be serial lovers without ever beeing someone's husband !
Well that is untill they get old and tired of having to  work hard to get laid, then they settle.

How did men ever made us believe that we are on earth to serve them ? HOW ?
Talk about the dark con of man !

In certain cultures they misuse religions to dominate us, in some other they just use plain and legal terror. Others play women against each other for their benefit. All cultures play down how important our part in mankind is.
In the free world , men control us by blackmailing our feelings, constantly threatening to take their " love " away and publicly humiliate us in messy divorces, ugly custody battles and having affairs with women who are used for men's purpose without even knowing it.

Judeo Christianism has us firmly believe that nice girls dont like sex, sex is for sluts and boys dont marry sexual girls. Dont you see this is all designed to restrain women from discovering how empowering sexual pleasure is ?????

when you discover that you can achieve sexual pleasure with any men or girl, you realise that this power comes from you, from you not from your man. So next time he is arrogant and refuses you tenderness or  sex in the hope that you will be suffering in silence wondering how to seduce him back, you can tell him to jump in the lake because you know you have access to sex anytime with anyone you chose.
When you have this knowledge you are no longer afraid of men, specially not of your own man.
It took me years to find that out ! the thing about the one, waiting for a one night stand to call back , waiting for him to make the first move  and all this nonsense that promotes man domination  is only taught to us so that we dont take charge of our love lives and hand it over to men so that they can trash it at will.
 When you are smart enough to separate love and sex you can actually have both any time !!
We all have moment of weakness, even samantha of sex and the city falls in love sometimes, even Shane of the L word does ! the differance is with the knowledge that we are the stronger ones, the providers, the smarts ones and the sexual ones.... we are no longer vulnerable to this ugly love blackmail.

Thats why men call liberated women like yours truely  by some rude names, so that most women will be afraid to be branded a slut or a whore, therefore they remain victims of men. I would rather be called a B.... and a W.... than fall victim to a man again who will abuse my trust or my vulnurability.

I dont actually despise men, i even have some good friends who are men, I just refuse their dominion altogether, thats all.
My dating behaviour may be a little unusual but it gives me total freedom and control , im grateful for this.

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