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Wednesday 6 October 2010

Had a bad dream about Martin !

Whenever I have dreamed of a man, it was never a good omen, either he broke up with me the next week or he tried to con me or hurt me, never a good omen indeed.
Whatever  I dream about people I know often proves premonitory, when I was a kid I had this nightmare that my psycho genitor was slashing my tummy with a sharp razor, as I asked why,  she said she would make sure that I would suffer whatever she would suffer and would never allow me to be happy. At the time I truely didnt get what that meant, but I did when said psycho really tried to scar me physically and emotionally till I cut the chord at 36 by filing a restraining order.

Years later I had that weird dream about looking for my girlfriend in this huge house with lots of stairs and windows everywhere, I'd run all over, opening all the windows and doors screaming her name desperately, but she would just stare silently and vanish into thin air. Years later we did have a serious fight but eventually we forgave each other.

I used to dream that Ismet my ex boyfriend was in my kitchen making tea, smiling at me, asking what was so surprising about us making small talk in the kitchen and just as I was wondering by which miracle he came back from his cultural forced marriage horror.....I would wake up crying and a friend would call to say she had seen Ismet in some restaurant  but he had not greeted her in return, completely cutting himself off my life as his tyranical traditions demanded.

So now im freaking out cause I had a bizzare short dream this morning between  feeding my cat and getting up again to let her go out on the balcony.
 Martin, the romantic 29 years old eastern German boy, walks in. He is carrying 3 bunches of flowers, small yellow tulips, small red roses and field flowers. He doesn't give them to me but put them carefully on the floor, like on a grave.
He walks past me and slumbers on my couch watching tv, totally ignoring me, did he even see me ?
I want to make some hot chocolate but my kitchen is ever so dirty and there are dirty dishes piling up to the ceiling, it takes me ages to find a clean pot to warm milk in, but everything is sooo dirty and there are tea towels on the burners ? isn't that a fire hazard ?
I feel lazy  and so very tired, overwhelmed at the thought of doing anything at all, I look at myself and shiver, disheveled, unshowered, wearing a stained teeshirt and some boring cotton knickers, how could I even answer the door looking like that ? what is wrong with me ? and why are those flowers on the floor ? they are for me right ?
Perhaps I should put them in water, where are they ? they are gone ! my flowers are gone ? how ? when ?
I am looking everywhere for them and here they are...... in a closet !
Who puts flowers in a closet ? with no air, no sun nor water ? duh !
It must be that guy Martin, still mindlessly watching  meaningless tv shows on MY tv, ignoring me again.
I am getting ready to scream at him to get out, this is not how you treat flowers !!!!!
Mew mew !!!!! My cat wakes me up.

I am so glad it wasn't real. I wonder what that meant. That was freaky and why was Martin of all the guys I date, why was he making himself at home like this ?
And why did I not have any control at all ?
No control of my date, nor of my appearance, nor of my flowers, not even of the bloody kitchen !!!!!!
it felt like being an old long dead house wife, shudders!!!!!!!!!

Exactly 7 weeks later, Martin  broke up with yours truly after a nice roll in the hay, because :
" This is too good to be wasted on casual sex, something so profound belongs to a soul mate connection, and and and  " well fuck you very much mate, of all the stupid reasons to break up with moi !
And 5 months later Martin came back with his tail between his legs, lonely and missing me. We had a further  9 months of romantic and wild passion before he did it " once more with feelings " but this time it was a long and loving closure and we cut off all ties for ever.


Anonymous said...

Good day!This was a really fabulous post!
I come from roma, I was fortunate to come cross your blog in bing
Also I learn a lot in your blog really thank your very much i will come daily

Chantal ! said...

Thank you very much, im delighted to share my experiences or should i say my sexperiences with you.