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Tuesday 5 October 2010

Taking control away from a bully

A work colleague of mine had a scary encounter with an idiot footballer she was treating alone, but she turned the situation around. Good for her.
She was called out to give this footballer a strong sport massage cause his legs were quite sore from overtraining.
As she arrived she realised it was a client that she always refused to take on again because during the one session she had done his legs last year, he had made her feel uneasy , staring at her as if she were a piece of meat and not a trained professional sport therapist.
Ambushed ! so she pretended not to remember the creep and enquired where exactly the pain was and how it felt, wrote down some notes and told the creep to shower and lay down the massage table on his tummy.
The whole time she handled his back she was feeling unconfortable because he moved his ass ever so slowly in a wouldbe seductive way but not enough to be offensive, so again, she couldnt say anything about it.
When the time came for him to turn around and lay on his back, she observed the procedure, she looked away and held a huge towel up and covered the person up before looking down.
Again he had a disturbing creepy little flame in his eyes, normally when this happen she just apply stronger pressure till it hurts so much guys forget about flirting and go back to beeing normal clients again. But this footballer was so muscular, so trained, he hardly felt the pressure at all !
As she was working on his abs, he was getting more and more aroused, an erection started to rise under the towels and she felt extremely uncomfortable, almost victimised, did I mention they were all alone ? everyone was away for lunch. He had the upper hand and she was begining to feel humiliated.
Suddenly she rembered.
Her friends always admire her for her courage and non nonsense, fearless  attitude towards men.  Was she really letting that creep scare her like this ? what would she advise a friend in such a predicament ? Doesnt she always say never accept blackmail and never bend to bullies ?
In a moment she turned the situation around, took control.
She smiled at the creep and pretended to seduce him rather roughly.
What do u want ? she demanded.
He mumbled.
Instead of cowering away from the menacing rising erection she became the agressor and jumped on his manhood with a firm hand.
Is that what you want ? a hand job ? huh ?
He seemed a little lost and and took her hand away saying ouch he would rather do it himself if she didnt mind.
He wanked as she washed her hands and gathered her things to leave.
As she left he looked really silly with his  hands dirty and his face flushed.

Not only did she turn a potentially dangerous situation into an embarrassing one for the potential agressor, she took away the control from him, she took it back and he went from intimidating agressor to a sad wanker.
She went from a frightened alone potential victim to a confidant strong woman who walked away unharmed and unafraid.
It is as if the mere fact of wanting his attention rather that fearing it completely stopped the bully's appetite for intimidating her, he became what he had wanted her to be, dirty and embarassed.
That will teach the  S.O.B.

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