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Thursday 30 December 2010

Bad boys vs good boys

In my experience not only are bad boys sexier, regardless of their looks, more confidant because they dont care at all if they get you or not, better in bed because this is mostly all they really have in life.
In my opinion it is better to date bad boys rather than good ones because at least you know what to expect.
When a bad boy tries to hurt you, they are usually not very smart about it, you can see them coming from miles and immediatelly defend yourself, therefore doing some dammage control.
They are quite easy to get over with and even easier to replace !

When a good man stabs you in the back......that really hurts.
You had no idea he was gonna strike, you thought he was too good and too serious to hit below the belt. Truth is.....good men are really lethal when they hurt you, they are so much harder to recover from, and you feel so dumb  for not having seen the signs.
Thats why I usually stay away from good men.
Each time I date one, Im terrified I wont see it coming and wonder when he is gonna strike. Can I allow myself to relax and feel safe around this really nice normal man ? After he stubs me in the back as they almost inevitably do, who else can I blame but my stupid self for having ignored the alarm signals that were flyng red flags all over ?
Looking back on what was said and done, one could almost pinpoint the first signs of danger, the first lies, the first withdrawals of affections, the first betrayalls. Why did we think it was our imagination ? Because that bitch was such a good man he couldnt  possibly be manipulative and cruel.
Newsflash ladies : Goodies are capable of screwing you  out far worse than bad boys ever would.
 Because goodies have the element of surprise, with bad boys you are always prepared to get lied to, manipulated and hurt in some ways.
So unless you want boyfriend/husband material......enjoy bad boys while looking over your shoulder.


Anonymous said...

brilliant piece Chantal -maybe your best yet I think because it spoke to me personally. Its only when somethings passed that you can really look back on it with anything like objectivity. I don't want to say more but you are so right in what you say.

Chantal ! said...

Thank you, unfortunately I am right and quite experienced on this subject.