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Thursday 23 December 2010

Merry Christmas everybody ! love and kisses !

Dear readers
I wish you a merry Christmas or a happy Hanooka, rebirth of the new sun or simply a wonderfull couple of days off, whatever your beliefs might be.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you very much for reading my blogg. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Merci, Danke, Ta, Domo Arigato, Grazie,Spaciva, Gracias, Obrigadinha, Hvala liepo, Kussenem, Rumba Nandri.

Those of you who are blessed with a familly, loyal friends or even a loving dog or cat, Im happy for you.
Those of you who are all alone, whatever the reason may be..........know that
there is always someone who will think of you.
Wherever you are at this time of your life, working on an oil rigg, serving a  humanitarian mission in some far away land, sitting in a wheel chair, risking your life in a dangerous job, queuing up for a warm soup at "les restos du coeur" or crying yourself to sleep over your ugly divorce, licking your wounds after another broken heart, maybe you are on a hospital bed on pain medications or perhaps you are depressed watching the world go on without you.
It will get better, maybe not right this instant, but it will get better, life never stagnates and things do improve, life will be worth living again someday.
So dont be too sad or scared, do not intoxicate your body with drinks and drugs ( these only make matters worse).
Remember you are unique and you have value, no matter what anyone might say. So chin up and relax, lets make 2011 as enjoyable as we each can.

As to me, I have chosen to turn down 3 booty calls this week because at Christmas Im in familly mode. shopping for presents, writing cards, stoking on lots of groceries so that I can hybernate a little and perusing over new recipes so that I can cook a feast for my familly although I always end up cooking a good old fashioned turkey dinner !
Im also in business mode , checking bills, doing accounts and planning january business already.
So not in the sex queen mood during the hollidays but thats ok because there is a time for everything.
I will go back hunting next year, I mean next month, since good sex burns calories faster than swimming or jogging ever could. There's a brilliant excuse to pig out and have lots of great calories burning sex if I ever heard one ! lol

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